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Jan 20, 2023, 6 tweets

Since President Muhammadu Buhari commissioned the Deep Blue Project in June 2021, Nigeria has recorded a single incident of piracy in its maritime domain.

Following a Presidential directive, the inherited litigation delaying the dredging of the Calabar Port is being resolved to pave the way for the dredging to begin

Work is ongoing at the Kajola (Ogun State) Railway Wagon Assembly Plant.

The Lekki Deep Sea Port is Nigeria's largest sea port with a draught of 16.5M whose development was started and completed by the President Muhammadu Buhari administration

In line with sub-regional resolutions aimed at facilitating trade and growth among members countries, the Ekok/Mfun joint border post was commissioned

The Buhari Administration has approved the development of the Badagry Sea Port which upon completion, would have about 2.5km quay length container terminal, 0.5km quay length break bulk terminal, 360m quay length OSB terminal and minimum of 18m draught.

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