Sulaiman Ahmed Profile picture
Journalist, Geo-Politics, MA Philosophy, PGCE Mathematics, LLB Law

Jan 21, 2023, 14 tweets

MSM Narrative & False Allegations

I wrote about the weakness of the story of Daria Gusa’s allegations before. I believed it ended the story but the grift continues & an article was published in the BBC.

It’s nothing new, opportunists try to get media attention. /1


I addressed the flaws regarding:

1. Partial text info
2. No proof girl told Tate about her age
3. Inaccurate claim about no of followers
4. Implausible inside knowledge of Cam industry
5. Messages look fake
6. Connection to politicians

I was right /2

But then the Romanian Politician, Cozmin Gusa’s daughter, ‘changed’ her story when she spoke to the BBC.

"Gabriela was 17 when she was contacted on social media by Andrew Tate's brother Tristan - though she later pretended she was 19." /3

So the girl lies and tells Tristan she is 19 years old and based on this information he texts her.

The question should be why are women allowed to lie and then entrap men?

Why are people not asking about her political affiliations? /4…

Its likely the other claim that "it was obvious I'm a schoolgirl" is untrue as well

The Politician’s daughter has sought a significant amount of press and so one assumes the messages must have been horrendous

The answer is no, Tate’s only message to her said "Romanian Girl". /5

We should not ignore this woman’s connections to politicians.

This case is more and more looking like it’s a HIT JOB by the Romanian Judiciary & DIICOT.

And it’s not far fetched to assume politicians are part of this unholy alliance. /6

I wonder how much input her father had on her statement?

This behaviour is common.

Carle Howe claimed that she had a bad experience with Tate and based on this has spoken to the BBC and various newspapers. /7

But when she was questioned about it, her story was that she and Andrew Tate texted.

He was then ‘controlling’ in June 22.

But she continued texting him until he was banned from Instagram.

Here is @WilPujols providing a reaction to this ‘story’.


But despite this she made the decision to walk up to Andrew Tate in Dubai.

Why would you walk up to a guy who scared you and was aggressive? It makes no sense.

But also you can see in the video Andrew Tate seems to be saying to her ‘GO HOME’.… /9

We live in World where it is very difficult to confront a woman when she is clearly lying. I had to tread carefully to make sure I wasn’t completely cancelled.

But we should be able to critically analyse any person when the story doesn’t make any sense. /10

The Hit-Pieces from MSM aren't stopping but extent of manipulation of facts is hard to fathom

Here, the headline of the NBC article is
"Andrew Tate said he broke a woman’s jaw"

This incident isn’t mentioned until all previous hit pieces are rehashed… /11

Rule: Paint Tates as evil to get published

"Tate's said in multiple interviews that he’s been violent toward women. During an episode of The Pomp Podcast recorded in 2021, he said that he hit a woman and broke her jaw during a bar fight."

Which multiple interviews? /12

I went back to listen to what NBC wanted to hide from us

Tate said that 4 people jumped him, 3 men and 1 woman. He knocked out 2 men and as he was wrestling the 3rd the woman try’s to hit him.

Tate said “I didn’t know if it was a girl or a guy I turned and I sparked her.” /13

Now, NBC provided the podcast link, but why not explain the circumstances that led to the incident? Tate was jumped by FOUR people.

The 'presstitutes' at NBC don't do news!

It’s clear the objective is for the ‘Matrix’ to take the Tates out.

And many are falling for it. /14

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