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Jan 21, 2023, 8 tweets

One year ago today I watched the #canadaconvoy kick off. I just knew there would be one in NZ (and that I’d get involved!) Never done anything quite like it before and don’t regret it, even if I didn’t much enjoy the last day. Let’s share memories of that epic time, I’ll start:

The day it hauled thru’ Napier the weather was vile. Torrential | sideways rain, yet throngs of people lined the streets. It still brings a tear to my eyes remembering that drive. The toots, waves and the fabulous signs: kiwis came together to fight Ardern’s illegal mandates 🖤

Arriving in Wellington there was a sense of hope, that maybe they’d listen | come out and talk. However the cowardly politicians all hid inside and ignored many thousands of kiwis who just wanted to be heard. Shame on them. Luxon, Seymour etc al.
You let us down big time👎🏻

It wasn’t always sunshine and roses. In fact we had baby shark and a cyclone!🤣 But we came together and a beautiful community formed .. until aotearoa’s finest jackboot thugs destroyed it all / attacked us. One thing that blew me away was the love & support from Wellingtonians. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

The food tents (and “food HQ”, off site) groaning with donations. Locals would bake treats and walk around sharing it with protestors. A Turkish cafe came down with kebabs one day. People really seemed to appreciate those fighting for their rights. For the right to choose..

Who can forget the peehive and beautiful showers (destroyed by ardern’s thugs) the kindness of strangers helping us in our mission was beautiful to experience. In stark contrast to the lies spouted by ardern and her msm 🙄

I’ve so many people incredible memories from that 3 weeks. So many pics and videos of kiwis fighting for their rights. Fighting for their lives. Jobs. Families. Guess you could say I’m a very proud river of filth veteran? 🤷‍♀️💕🤣 #honkhonk

Oh, a word to those who stalk my account to spit your own rather peculiar brand of vitriol: You were lied to, over and over (and over!) again. By politicians and their media mates. How on earth can that vex you less than a bunch of people exercising their right to protest? 🤷‍♀️

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