Aja the Empress ♀️ Profile picture
Lesbian, not queer Truth over feelings Free speech for all Debate isn’t hate I think for myself, I say what I believe Stay blessed 🙌🏾

Jan 22, 2023, 62 tweets

🧵 So the decapitate #TERFs sign seems to have got peoples attention. Good because women have been facing this for ages. Here are SOME of the times women have faced similar.


Women being intimidated by gender extremists Bristol 2022

Women being intimidated by gender extremists Bristol 2022

Lesbians being intimidated by gender extremists Leeds

Women being intimidated by gender extremists Brighton


Women being intimidated by gender extremists New work 2022


Women being intimidated by gender extremists New York 2022

Women being intimidated by gender extremists Newcastle 2023


Women being intimidated by gender extremists (I'm not sure of the location but its UK 2022)

Random pics of women being intimidated by gender extremists

More random pics of women being intimidated by gender extremists

More random pics of women being intimidated by gender extremists.

Feel free to add of take from this thread

The Decapitate #TERFs sign that has finally caught ppls attention (pic1)

Similer sign from different location/protest (Pic2)

Both held by gender extremists & meant to intimidate women.

Also a SS of a recent threat towards a #LetWomenSpeak event.

Found another video.
This is 2019 if I remember correctly?
It's a community centre next to Grenfell. The TRAs set of smoke bombs & caused a lot of distress to women at the meeting & local residents

This was also my first time seeing *bad* TRAs IRL.

Also found this thread with even more evidence of gender extremists behaviour.

As I said they is soooo much evidence.

Gender extremists are a world wide threat to women.

"Trans-identified “antifa” man tries to burn lesbians at Bordeaux Pride (France)"

Gender extremists in Cologne (Germany)
Attacking lesbians

And we have this This 👇🏾


SNP equalities officer threatened to 'beat the f*** out of terfs and transphobes' in abusive tweets - Daily Record


Women being intimidated by gender extremists at a screening of the documentary Adult Human Female

(This has happened at several screenings of this documentary)

*you can watch the doc yourself here 👇🏾*


Gender extremism is a real threat.

Women have had smoke bombs,eggs,veg,milkshake & water thrown at us at events.
Had our banners/flag set on fire.
Women have also been physically assaulted & had bones broken.

Women has also been murdered.


Gender extremists have also successfully intimidated women out of their jobs.

Here is what they did to Sussex professor Kathleen Stock:
Pic 1 & 2 protest on campus by students
Pic 3 posters put up around campus by students

Some more examples of gender extremists intimidating women at various locations.

Some more examples of gender extremists intimidating women with threats of violence.

San Francisco Public Library Hosts intimidating gender extremists “Art Exhibit” Featuring Weapons Intended to Kill Feminists. (2018) (pic 1/2)

Gender extremists with baseball bats/axe painted in gender extremists colours
(pic 3/4)

Some more evidence of gender extremists intimidating women.

Another of a gender extremist attempt to intimidate women. How this is allow on YouTube I do not know.

Gender extremists attacking women right in front of the police in Scotland at a #LetWomenSpeak #LetWomenSpeakGlasgow event 2023

Gender extremists intimidating women in London Hyde park at #LetWomenSpeak Reformist tree event.

Gender extremists doing what they do in Paris.

Here we have gender extremists terrorising women in Australia #LetWomenSpeakAustralia

Here we have gender extremists Senator Lidia Thorpe being dragged away by police after trying to disrupt a women’s rights event in Canberra Australia.

The gender extremists violent as they terrorise women in New Zealand #LetWomenSpeak

The gender extremists violently attack and terrorise women in New Zealand #LetWomenSpeak

More footage for #LetWomenSpeakAuckland 2023 showing a baying mob of gender extremists trying to attack women.

More footage from #LetWomenSpeak
#LetWomenSpeakAuckland showing the gender extremists attacking women.

Here we have gender extremists protesting #TheLesbianProject because they are having a meeting with no men.

Back to #LetWomenSpeakAuckland
Here we have a gender extremists punching a 70 year old woman in the face.

Gender extremists surround myself and a few other women as we are making our way to Speakers Corner for #LetWomenSpeak 26/3/23

Gender extremists in the USA rush/take over a building in a trans insurrection (March 2023)

Gender extremists stage a die in just days after a trans terrorists killed 6ppl including children

Here is a mob of gender extremists attacking Riley Gaines, a woman swimmer who was forced to compete against & men.


Here we have the same mob of gender extremists engaged in a hostage taking situation. They have said Riley Gaines will not be released until they are paid.

This is domesticated terrorism. This is #TransTerrorism

Article about the above two tweets where gender extremists chase attack and hold Riley Gaines hostage for standing up for womens rights.


Here is have a game made by a gender extremist. Its called Terfestine. In the game you get to kill #Terfs

Here is an example of a gender extremist openly talking about murdering 50 UK women because he has decided we are #Terfs
Women have already been murdered by gender extremists (you will find that in the 🧵 above) how long until it happens again?


A woman in Australia was attacked by a man who calls himself a woman.

The attack fractured her shoulder and she is now physically disabled.


A British Gender extremist has called woman Neo-Nazi thugs & tweeted out a call for people to "Kill your local Nazi" as well as a call to protest women who will be attending a #LetWomenSpeak event at Speakers Corner London.

Here we have a mob gender of extremists marching across Hyde park to terrorise women attending a #LetWomenSpeak Speakers corner event 30/4/2023

Same event as above. #LetWomenSpeak speakers corner 30/4/2023.

Mob of gender extremists lead by angry man screaming "who's streets our streets"

Here we have a group of gender extremists harassing a lone woman as she walks to a #LetWomenSpeakBirmingham event.

They say to her "put your camera away & we'll let you walk around" as she walks around a public place.

Here we have the same woman as above being harassed by a group of masked gender extremists as she makes her way to a #LetWomenSpeakBirmingham event. 14th/5/2023

Here is a mob of gender extremists including a man in the white/orange/blue patten dress & rainbow bandana trying to break through the #LetWomenSpeakBirmingham stewards line using their banner as a tool. 14th/5/2023

Same event as above. Mob of gender extremists use their banner to push into women and punch them as they attempt to break the #LetWomenSpeakBirmingham stewards line.

Not a violent action just a disgusting one. Gender extremists have AGAIN covered the @EHRC building in piss as a form of protest. They want men to be allowed into women's toilets

Here we have some examples of the things gender extremists openly say and get away with. Remember replace the word TERF with woman to understand what they really mean.

Here we have another example of the things gender extremists openly say and get away with. Remember replace the word TERF with woman to understand what they really mean.


Gender ideology = homophobia

"A lesbian bar that has operated in Rennes, France for nearly a decade has been forced to close its doors following a disturbing swell of vandalism and death threats by trans activists"


Gonna add some hate direct personally at me to this thread coz why not.
As you can see the TRAs are happy to resort to racism when they want to.

Adding this so you can see just how far up the ladder the hate of women defending womens rights & child safeguarding goes.

It is clearly meant to be JK Rowling

This was posted by Oxfam. The charity who's rest scandals include their staff raping Haitian children.

Here we have a very angry male shouting at and doing a "gun to head" motion at woman attending #LetWomenSpeakGeneva

What you see here is a man, threatening to murder the women, who attened the #LetWomenSpeakVienna event (P99 is a gun type). Not only does this man think he is a woman, he also holds a chair in local parliament in Graz (Austria) for the greens.

A judge is Seattle gave men (who have lady feels) the right to use a Korean female nude spa.

Women are protesting that decision.

Here are Antifa & gender extremists protesting the women and supporting the man who wants to be naked in a women only spa.

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