Aja the Empress ♀️ Profile picture
Lesbian, not queer Truth over feelings Free speech for all Debate isn’t hate I think for myself, I say what I believe Stay blessed 🙌🏾
3 subscribers
Oct 11, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
So some absolute fuckin dickheada have just dropped a bunch of insects in the LGBA conference right before Jamie Reed spoke.
These people are absolutely vile. Image
Update video from @terfasaurus who was sat right behind the homophobic dickheads who did this.
Sep 30, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
This morning. I woke up in the flat that I live in with my female partner. I went outside, on my own, and I travelled to work. In some cultures, this would never be allowed. I would not be allowed a home with my female partner. I would not be allowed outside alone. I would not be allowed a job. So yes, please do tell me how all cultures are equally. I few years ago I dated a woman (not the same one I woke up next to this morning) we were unable to have public dates because she was absolutely terrified of someone she knows seeing us. If that happened then her family, yes her family, would have cut her head off for being a lesbian..these are her words not mine and her fear was real. So when people claim all cultures are equal they ignore the lives of women like this...and quite frankly how dare you.
Sep 15, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Are we gonna start bumping off the disabled and poor like they do in Canada? Or maybe the state can help murder, sorry I mean suicide, maybe then can help suicide 17yrs old girls like in the Netherlands? I use to support the idea of assisted suicide but not anymore..not now I've seen what ppl will do to others in the name of "medicine"Image spectator.co.uk/article/most-r…
Apr 28, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
@Finn_Mackay @Jebadoo2 Are you sure?

independent.co.uk/life-style/wom… @Finn_Mackay @Jebadoo2 bbc.com/news/health-61…
Jul 19, 2023 56 tweets 14 min read
Video thread. No particular order.
Bookmark and share the ones you need. Mother talking about "spanking" her son because he might be gay. They Transed him.
May 25, 2023 9 tweets 7 min read
Not a violent action just a disgusting one. Gender extremists have AGAIN covered the @EHRC building in piss as a form of protest. They want men to be allowed into women's toilets Here we have some examples of the things gender extremists openly say and get away with. Remember replace the word TERF with woman to understand what they really mean. Image
Apr 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Over the last few years an ideology unlike anything the world has ever seen has been allowed to grow with the support of the government, education, police & a bunch of other agencies.
The goal of this ideology is to roll back women's rights while champion men's rights It wants to separate children from their parents & put them on a medical pathway they can never return from.

It wants to bully homosexuals into having straight relationships.

It wants to control and compel your speech.

It wants to remove all boundaries & safeguarding
Apr 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The other day on the way to work I stepped onto a bus & chest bumped right into a woman..it was so close we almost kissed...in a instant it because clear she was totally off her face on drugs..she was rockin back & forwards, shouting at herself & having conversations with fairies She was walking up & down sort of engaging with ppl but not really.. either way I didn't feel threatened by her. Even though she was quite gone I knew she couldn't hurt me even in a confined space like a bus.

Now skip to my way home...
Apr 14, 2023 10 tweets 7 min read
Here is a thread of the groups who say they support women but who will actually be standing with agressive men as they scream at women trying to talk about their rights.

#LetWomenSpeakBelfast They are responding to this calling out from a collective of groups including women's Sector Orgs.

"Free Entertainment"

Yes I'm sure the same was said about witch burning. ImageImageImage
Mar 31, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Gender extremists in the USA rush/take over a building in a trans insurrection (March 2023) Gender extremists stage a die in just days after a trans terrorists killed 6ppl including children Image
Mar 23, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
Here we have gender extremists terrorising women in Australia #LetWomenSpeakAustralia

Here we have gender extremists Senator Lidia Thorpe being dragged away by police after trying to disrupt a women’s rights event in Canberra Australia.
Jan 22, 2023 62 tweets 24 min read
🧵 So the decapitate #TERFs sign seems to have got peoples attention. Good because women have been facing this for ages. Here are SOME of the times women have faced similar.

#WomenWontWeesht Women being intimidated by gender extremists Bristol 2022