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Veteran with outdated attitudes & language. Fishing the 🇷🇺 digital abyss. Разом до перемоги. 🇺🇦🇵🇱. Backup account 👉 @_JanRR.

Jan 23, 2023, 8 tweets

🇷🇺 Federal Agency for State Reserves (Росрезерв)
Summary of corruption, pilfering & appropriations. 🧵

- currently no director, just acting Igor Guchas (Игор Гучас)
- majority of data is classified (internal structure, what products, how many depots, their locations, etc.)

two key words that facilitate corruption: “закладка” (purchase) and “выпуск” (sale). Participation in all these events is authorized by #FSB. As you may expect, authorization is not for free. And the slices of the cake are not even.

It is a very narrow entourage. All #Putin’s friends and their families. And they decide all the prices. Obviously the profits are located outside Russia. But one false step and one may end in prison. Especially with fuel contracts. Or cheating top management.

Family ties with FSB, GRU, Prosecutor General Office are common but not discussed. These are usually run by top brass sons & daughters. Some informants are scared to mention names, but point to Instagram celebrities.

Don’t get convinced by these Росрезерв publications. Real dough is made on perishable (like flour) that must be rotated or limited access goods like fuels.
All personnel working in Rosrezerv knows that there is no chance to become a whistleblower. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…


Their loyalty is regularly verified and any unwillingness to participate in pro-war activities immediately becomes suspicious. See how the personnel children are indoctrinated.

Major names, but definitely not all are in this publication:

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