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Jan 24, 2023, 11 tweets

#Extremism #Terrorism #Radicalization #OSINT #OPSEC Thread- National Socialist (NAZI) 3rd Party Directory has an entire section dedicated to OSINT and OPSEC. Following is a thread/commentary on the listed suggested resources by this Stormfront and Daily Stormer advocate source

#Extremism #Terrorism #Radicalization #OSINT #OPSEC
1. No domain touch research used for data pull w/ @internetarchive and @acfou Page XRay
2. NEO NAZI directory suggests primarily non-affiliated w/ some affiliated resource suggestions
3. Some suggested tools are Russia Based

#Extremism #Terrorism #Radicalization #OSINT #OPSEC
4. Following are resources promoted by the 3rd Position Neo NAZI Directory utilizing @acfou PageXray
5. An Example of a suggested non-affiliated mainstream OSINT resource that is promoted by this source is @IntelTechniques

#Extremism #Terrorism #Radicalization #OSINT #OPSEC
6. Following are some of the Russian resources promoted by the 3rd Position Neo NAZI OSINT OPSEC Directory utilizing

#Extremism #Terrorism #Radicalization #OSINT #OPSEC
7. NEO NAZI directory also provides ex of how tools for Good can poss. be flipped to adversarial use. 1 of several suggested tools is @spiderfoot- DEFINITELY intended for Good & shows some OS OSINT challenges w/AI

#Extremism #Terrorism #Radicalization #OSINT #OPSEC #Fediverse
8. NEO NAZI directory also provides ex of extremist use of the Fediverse for OSINT and OPSEC that has different challenges in countering extremism then Big Tech

#Extremism #Terrorism #Radicalization #OSINT #OPSEC
9. The Third Position Neo NAZI OSINT OPSEC Directory also shared some of their resource preferences from Germany- including one affiliated with the NPD

#Extremism #Terrorism #Radicalization #OSINT #OPSEC
10. One suggested resource in the National Socialist (NAZI) 3rd Party OSINT OPSEC Directory was a dedicated Neo NAZI OPSEC Group on Telegram w/ 10,246 subscribers from a variety of nations that advertised w/ an @VICE review

#Extremism #Terrorism #Radicalization #OSINT #OPSEC
Are multiple other resources of analytical interest for gauging extremist NEO NAZI OSINT OPSEC tactic & technique preferences in these URLs, some Good used for bad- ex @internetarchive & some that are ideologically affiliated.

#Extremism #Terrorism #Radicalization #OSINT #OPSEC Of additional interest is that resources are included for adversarial OSINT counter-collection on groups that this extremist ideological base sees as a threat- such as Neo NAZI Anti ANTIFA collection efforts that are advertised

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