Alan MacLeod Profile picture
Senior Staff Writer/Podcast Producer, @MintPressNews. I mostly tweet about US/Mid East & Lat Am. politics, but complaining about corporate media is my passion.

Jan 24, 2023, 13 tweets

Washington Post headlines, but they get increasingly more insane. (Thread)

"Too much democracy"

Democracy dies in darkness

The guy who wrote this is literally the director of a drone company. 🙃

Staying on the Iran theme...

Desperate to start World War 3

The national security state should do MORE psyops is quite the take.

Maybe this Yemen War isn't so bad after all!


This, however, is my all-time favorite headline from the WaPo. From the "war is peace" messaging to the "us" in the headline to the incredible graphic, you could write an entire thesis on this insane article.

Plug for my investigation into how Jeff Bezos turned the Post into a vehicle for his own business interests. --->…

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