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Jan 26, 2023, 5 tweets

Israeli forces killed at least 9 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, including an elderly woman. The raid at the Jenin refugee camp is one of Israel's deadliest in years.

At least 29 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces this month, including at least 5 children.

Israeli forces blocked ambulances and fired tear gas at a hospital, choking children, health officials say.

At least 9 Palestinians were killed and 20 others wounded.

Jenin is the target of near-daily Israeli raids. 15 of 29 Palestinians killed this year were from there.

Israeli forces killed dozens of Palestinians in 2022 in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.

They include journalist #ShireenAbuAkleh, who soldiers shot in the head, and at least 13 children including:
▪️ a girl, 16, shot while looking for her cat
▪️ a boy, 17 walking to school

Palestinians in the occupied West Bank live under what @hrw condemns as apartheid:

▪️ Israel has built 200+ illegal settlements, and demolishes hundreds of Palestinian homes every year
▪️ Movement restricted for Palestinians under military law, while Israelis enjoy full freedom

@hrw UPDATE: Israeli forces killed a 22-year-old Palestinian man who was protesting near Jerusalem over Israel’s killing of 9 Palestinians hours earlier.

At least 30 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in the first month of 2023, including 5 children.

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