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Choose uncomfortable truths over comfortable lies

Jan 27, 2023, 10 tweets

🧵Here is a research paper from Spring of 2022 on Directed Evolution. You might notice that Ralph Baric is one of the authors listed at the bottom. It's also important to note that Pfizer (see Project Veritas video) is listed in the acknowledgements.

2) Those familiar with my friend, the late Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko, are well aware of who Ralph Baric is.

I STRONGLY suggest that you check out this Telegram post from Zev on Dec 21st, 2021 (partially pictured) and look at the links that go with it.…

3) Dr. Zelenko @ZelenkoZev posted this on his Telegram on March 31st, 2022:

"This paper from 2015 describes how Dr. Ralph Baric and his colleagues in Wuhan bio-engineered a bat corona virus to be infectious to human beings."

I will hopefully be able to continue the thread this afternoon/evening. Please stay tuned... very important.

4) More from Dr. Zelenko on Baric:

"Covid-19 was custom designed to destroy human lung tissue. Most of the research was done by Dr. Ralph Baric and funded by the US government."…

6) More on Baric from Dr. Zelenko:

"Bat Coronavirus’s were custom designed to infect human beings. Most of the research was done by Dr. Ralph Baric and funded by the US government."…

8) Dr. Zelenko:

"This patent drom 2002 describes how Dr. Ralph Baric funded by the US government bio-engineered a Corona virus to destroy human lung tissue."…

9) Here is the acknowledgements section of the Directed Evolution research paper from April of 2022. Notice the contributions from Pfizer, the NIH grants and Baric (Ralph) labs.

#ProjectVeritas #PfizerExposed

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