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Choose uncomfortable truths over comfortable lies. Sometimes serious and sometimes satire.
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Feb 23 11 tweets 4 min read
Democrats Being Complete Hypocrites On Their Own Masking And Social Distancing Mandates

It’s hard to imagine there could be THIS MANY examples of them being caught but I will be compiling them all here for your records. These people are stupid and legitimately awful.

🧵THREAD Image California was one of the most aggressive states pushing mandatory masking, social distancing and lockdowns on their people.

Governor (Dictator) Gavin Newsom was a repeat offender against his own insane policies. Image
Jan 31 8 tweets 4 min read
Kash Patel Needs To Investigate This

The same FBI agent that led the Whitmer kidnapping "sting" in Michigan was also the assistant director in charge in D.C. on Jan. 6th and then later led the FBI's Washington Field Office at the time of the Trump Mar-a-Lago raid.

🧵THREAD Image The Strange Timeline for Former FBI Agent Steven D’Antuono and January 6th:

-He was Detroit, Michigan's "top FBI agent" and led the Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping "sting" or "hoax" as many refer to it.

-FBI Director Christopher Wray praised D'Antuono and his team for carrying out this plan and then just DAYS later Wray promoted D'Antuono to the head of the D.C. Field Office.

-The timing of this is VERY interesting to note... D'Antuono was promoted on October 13th, 2020. This was right before the 2020 presidential election and just a few months before the events that happened on Janz 6th. He was officially the FBI's "director in charge" before, on and after January 6th, 2021.Image
Jan 30 13 tweets 4 min read
Sometimes I like to spend time to investigate posts for accuracy and expose hypocrites.

I don't know who this person is below but I saw her claim that "the only person I've ever hated is Donald Trump." My gut feeling told me this is a lie so I looked into it more.

🧵THREAD Image Well, my gut feeling was correct. She also hates JD Vance. Image
Jan 22 12 tweets 3 min read
Since the Left and the media are claiming that Elon Musk is a "Nazi" for extending his arm out to the crowd in love, here is a thread full of Democrats that are now confirmed Nazis, according to their own insane logic.

🧵THREAD Image Barack Obama is a Nazi. Image
Dec 10, 2024 22 tweets 8 min read
The ABSURD Mask Hypocrisy from the Left

Democrats were the main people responsible for pushing insane mask, social distancing and lockdown mandates during Covid. They were also the most egregious offenders and hypocrites when it came to breaking their own rules.

🧵 THREAD Image Nancy Pelosi got caught red-handed violating her own Covid mask policy in a San Francisco salon. Then, instead of taking responsibility, she claimed this was a "setup" and tried to blame the salon owner and destroy her life. Image
Dec 1, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Something Kash Patel Should Investigate

The same FBI agent that led the Whitmer kidnapping "sting" in Michigan was also the assistant director in charge in D.C. on Jan. 6th and then later led the FBI's Washington Field Office at the time of the Trump Mar-a-Lago raid.

🧵 THREAD Image The Strange Timeline for Former FBI Agent Steven D’Antuono and January 6th:

-He was Detroit, Michigan's "top FBI agent" and led the Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping "sting" or "hoax" as many refer to it.

-FBI Director Christopher Wray praised D'Antuono and his team for carrying out this plan and then just DAYS later Wray promoted D'Antuono to the head of the D.C. Field Office.

-The timing of this is VERY interesting to note... D'Antuono was promoted on October 13th, 2020. This was right before the 2020 presidential election and just a few months before the events that happened on Janz 6th. He was officially the FBI's "director in charge" before, on and after January 6th, 2021.Image
Nov 28, 2024 19 tweets 8 min read
The Full Truth About Ray Epps

After his failed defamation suit against Fox News it's now safe to fully expose this man for all that he's done before, on and after January 6th.

🧵 THREAD Image "We need to go IN to the Capitol!"

This is a good place to start with Ray Epps. The damning video starts on the night of January 5th, when Epps tries to incite Trump supports to go into the Capitol the next day. They respond by saying "Nooo!!" before chanting "Fed! Fed! Fed!"
Nov 7, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Painful reminder that Biden tried to make this insane clown Nina Jankowicz head of his "disinformation board" aka The Ministry of Truth.

🧵THREAD🧵 This was a blatant and shameful Orwellian attempt at stifling free speech. Image
Nov 5, 2024 21 tweets 6 min read

Here Are The Most Memorable Images from Trump and Kamala's Presidential Campaigns

🧵⬇️THREAD⬇️🧵 Image JD Vance's hilarious reaction to Tim Walz' epic fumble during the Vice Presidential debate. Image
Oct 23, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I remember when this video first emerged right after January 6th. It shows people removing their black/brown clothing, revealing red MAGA gear and saying "delete that" to the person filming.

Every major social media platform banned you immediately if you tried posting this then. Also, the American flag near them is lying on the ground... that's not very MAGA.
Oct 15, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
AOC thought that she was going to be rap*d and killed at the Capitol on January 6th.

AOC was not at the Capitol on January 6th.……
Jul 23, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵I'm going to do a deeper dive on the recent "breaking news" viral post by @GlobalPressCorp that everyone is sharing as being legitimate. It claims that "Joe Biden is in currently in hospice care and unlikely to survive the night" and this is according to a "verified source." Image 2) As you can imagine, people immediately started questioning this "verified source" and Global Press Corp responded by saying "there is no official source, but the source told us Joe Biden was dropping out of the race this Sunday (2 days prior to the announcement)." Image
Jul 19, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵Tons of people have been sending me DMs asking if this woman in the black hat is FBI assistant director Janeen Diguiseppi.

My answer below might not be popular but it's my honest take, as always. Image 2) This is the main collage that I have been seeing on this. There are definitely some similarities but I needed to see more clear pictures. Image
Jun 26, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵 November 3rd, 2020: The Fulton County (State Farm Arena) "water pipe" hoax.

First off, it wasn't even a water main or water pipe burst... that was a complete lie. It was a leaky toilet that actually happened at 6:07 in the morning and it was fixed in under two hours (see thread/comments below for more on this).

Here are some very basic questions:

Why did every "breaking" report not happen that morning but instead they all started popping up in the evening? The first news article on this was from Politico at 8:14 p.m. which was 14 hours after the toilet leak. Also, every breaking report was saying or implying that it was happening then... at night.

How is it possible that they didn't know how many ballots still remained to be counted?

Why were they saying that this incident (which only lasted less than two hours) would cause a "day or two" delay on releasing the final vote totals for Fulton County?

Let's dig a little deeper into this... 2) Here is the official statement from State Farm Arena where they admit the leak took place at 6:07 a.m. and was fixed "within two hours." Image
Jan 24, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Did the enemy warn us they would intentionally unleash Covid on the world?

@DrDMartinWorld - "There was no surprise.”

“The criminals were actually telling the public that they were going to do it... and nobody in the public cared.”

“Why (in April 2019) would a company [Moderna] that has never had any expertise in respiratory pathogens amend patent filings that had been rejected to include the language ‘ACCIDENTAL OR INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF A RESPIRATORY PATHOGEN' if somebody wasn’t preparing to release a respiratory pathogen?” Click here to watch the full video for part 1 of this AMAZING documentary: “The Great Setup With Dr. David Martin.”…
Jan 13, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The truth about the Captain Phillips rescue:

Most people are aware of this story (thanks in part to the movie that was made) but here is something that you should all know: Barack Obama NEVER actually gave the green light for the Navy SEAL snipers to take the shots. He was too worried about "bad PR" and "blowback" if it failed.

Those absolute heroes thankfully acted on instinct and did the right right thing anyways when they saw Phillips and his crew about to be killed, saving them all.

Then Obama took credit for this in front of the entire world. Now, I can absolutely GUARANTEE you that if they had failed he would have distanced himself from the decision, claimed that they "disobeyed orders" and tried to make an example of them.

This wasn't even close to the worst thing that he did involving SEALs either...Image This was a complete lie. Image
Jan 7, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The Strange Timeline for Former FBI Agent Steven D’Antuono and January 6th:

- He was Detroit, Michigan's Top FBI Agent and led the Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping "operation" or "hoax" as many refer to it.

- FBI Director Christopher Wray praised D'Antuono and his team for carrying out this plan and then just DAYS later Wray promoted D'Antuono to the head of the D.C. Field Office.

- The timing of this is VERY interesting to note... D'Antuono was promoted on October 13th, 2020. This was right before the presidential election and just a few months before January 6th. He was officially the FBI's "director in charge" before, on and after January 6th, 2021.

See more in the comments below. These are simply the facts... you can draw your own conclusions based on them.Image You might also find it interesting that Steven D'Antuono led the FBI's Washington Field Office at the time of the Mar-A-Lago raid...
Jan 6, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
"I've been waiting for this... for trespassing on the Capitol grounds"

That's odd... why was Nancy Pelosi expecting and "waiting" for this to happen? 🤔 Follow-up question: Why did Nancy Pelosi REALLY have her own personal film crew documenting all of this?
Dec 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
This poll highlights just how INSANELY AUTHORITARIAN the left had become during Covid-19. It isn't surprising that these are the same people cheering on the Colorado Supreme Court's decision to remove Donald Trump from the ballot and subvert democracy via election interference.

Results Among Democrats (this is crazy):

- 55% supported fines against the unvaccinated simply for refusing the jab.

- 59% supported permanent house confinement for anyone who refused to get vaccinated.

- 48% supported fines or PRISON for questioning vaccine efficacy on social media.

- 45% supported the government having the ability to put the unnvaccinated in "designed facilities" aka internment camps.

- 47% supported "a government tracking program" to monitor unvaccinated citizens.


This was awhile ago as well... how much worse do you think it has gotten since then?Image Here is the good news in all of this... it is getting VERY easy for people to see good vs evil. It is becoming VERY clear.

Anyone on the wrong side of issues like this is 100% on the side of evil.
Nov 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
A Pallywood Horror - Take 1 & Take 2

Starring: Mr. FAFO Image
Nov 8, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
I'm tired of election conspiracy theories...

There is nothing abnormal about a large voting precinct lying about a water main break and then telling everyone that they are done counting for the night, followed by sending all of the poll watchers home and then bringing out large suitcases of ballots.

There is nothing abnormal about a small group of hand-selected election workers scanning said suitcase ballots multiple times... ballots that happened to go overwhelmingly in favor of the candidate that was about to lose.

There is nothing abnormal about the declared winner of the presidential election later honoring these aforementioned election workers with Congressional medals and calling them "heroes" (see comments below).

These are all very normal things that happen in every election. There was nothing nefarious at play and certainly no voter fraud in 2020.
