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Jan 27, 2023, 6 tweets

"Wray is not a bad guy but I also know from my own experiences that he’s done NOTHING to correct some very serious wrongs. [...] I am referring to individuals within SES that are horrendous, not open investigations into anything USAO and AUSA’s are in possession of." #guerriero

"The FBI called me as a witness for a USAO GJ. Treated me terribly. Even had an ASAC call and yell. They treat bad guys better than me and the kicker is they ruled me out as a witness when they realized I had nothing of value for them. Hate FBI!" #guerriero

"Biden proud of his son Hunter. The guy who got kicked outta the military, took bribes from Russia, got a job he was never qualified for with zero experience, really likes banging underage hookers & brother's widow, getting his side broad knocked up, and loves blow." #guerriero

"Oh I pray that the USAO files charges against Hunter for that amongst many other things. [...] After having had the unique experience of becoming ensnared in their witch-hunt myself & being terrorized by FBI I have some insight here." #guerriero

"The Feebs are enemies of the American people. The rank and file are good guys, but their SES is corrupt and broken beyond repair. I know one - ONE! - member of their SES who's a good, decent, and honest man. Whatever integrity they once had ends whenever he retires." #guerriero

"No not all. The good agents are the most disgusted by the FBI 'leadership'. And I feel sorry for them but they're all also our best hope." #guerriero

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