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Jan 28, 2023, 8 tweets

Another @RudyGiuliani drug deal almost got another woman killed.

Donald Trump is involved in the CEFC scheme to avoid #OFAC sanctions on Rosneft gas and they tried to murder Allison Guerriero for blowing the whistle on McGonigal.

When will they be indicted, @DonaldJTrumpJr?

Another @RudyGiuliani drug deal almost got another woman killed.

Donald Trump is involved in the CEFC scheme to avoid #OFAC sanctions on Rosneft gas and they tried to murder Allison Guerriero for blowing the whistle on McGonigal.

When will they be indicted, @DonaldJTrumpJr?

Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease.

Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC leased Unit 78B in Trump World Tower.


UN Bribery in Trump World Tower 78B.

"Ho and Gadio met at CEFC China’s suite at Trump World Tower (78B) in midtown Manhattan, where Ho enlisted Gadio to assist CEFC China in obtaining access to President Déby."


Has Donald J. Trump ever done any bribery at his shitty roach infested golf motel, @DonaldJTrumpJr?

Seems some of the people from CEFC did some UN bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

Did McGonigal work with Albanians on CEFC gas deals to skate #OFAC sanctions on Rosneft?

Now where's Guo Wengui?

Was he behind Sinohawk?

He damn sure helps with the CEFC deza.

Hunter Biden's Massive cock v International UN Bribery Scandal?

Good luck, assholes.

We haven't even made it to the Barker Plan.

We're still at CEFC.


@EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump
@stevenmnuchin1 @BetsyDeVosED @LeaderMcConnell

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