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May 13th 2023
Carta a #OFAC @USTreasury que me hicieron llegar, con propuesta que rechacé enfáticamente.

No entro en esta comparsa y no me asocio con grupos donde se cuelan sujetos de trayectoria cuestionable.

Abro hilo ImageImageImageImage
Los firmantes solicitan a #OFAC @USTreasury que liberen dineros de los activos congelados que pertenecen al BCV, para pagar a los jueces del TSJ en el exilio... ya que el presupuesto aprobado por la AN, incluye sueldos y gastos operativos de los DIPUTADOS y de los JUECES TSJ.
Los firmantes mencionan que: "(...) la Comisión Permanente de Finanzas y Desarrollo Económico de la AN ha aprobado un presupuesto anual, llamado FONDO PARA LA LIBERACIÓN, q' autoriza fondos para 3 prioridades: defensa de la democracia, Asamblea Nacional y protección/gerencia de
Read 10 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
US government says it's shutting down and sanctioning #darknet site Genesis Market "for its part in the theft and sale of device credentials and related sensitive information."
Genesis Market operates a criminal marketplace and is believed to be located in #Russia, according to US Treasury #OFAC.
“An unprecedented law enforcement operation involving 17 countries has resulted in the takedown of Genesis Market, one of the most dangerous marketplaces selling stolen account credentials to hackers worldwide.”…
Read 5 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
#Pulsechain, la #blockchain L1 destinada al éxito + El Air-Drop mas grande del mundo.

Pulsechain es una nueva cadena de bloques que planea traer consigo TODO #Ethereum (transacciones, contratos, tokens y todo Ethereum, duplicado en Pulsechain)
Tecnología subyacente
#PulseChain implementa un algoritmo de consenso de Proof Of Stake (#PoS) mejor al de #Ethereum.
Ya que en Ethereum hay pocos nodos debido a lo costoso que es tener uno y la mayoria de estos, estan regulados por la #OFAC.
#Pulsechain tendra como moneda nativa #Pulse ($PLS).
Pulse es #deflacionaria, tiene 0% de inflación.
Los validadores solo ganan de las comisiones por transaccion y el 25% de los fees se queman para reducir el suministro circulante.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
Fang Fang didn't funnel $5.4 million dollars from the CCP into Swalwell's secret Chinese bank account.

That was CEFC and Donald J. Trump.
Fang Fang didn't funnel $5.4 million dollars from the CCP into Swalwell's secret Chinese bank account.

That was CEFC and Donald J. Trump.…
Read 25 tweets
Feb 15th 2023

El encargado de Economía y Política de la embajada de EE.UU. Samuel Sipes, conversó hoy con empresarios locales para explicar las implicancias del alcance de la sanción de #OFAC para el ex presidente, Horacio Cartes. Image
La reunión, que no tuvo acceso la prensa, fue a sala repleta de empresarios que plantearon sus dudas sobre cómo afectaría en Paraguay esta sanción del dpto. del Tesoro norteamericano. Algunos participantes, señalaron a este medio que Sipes remarcó que la situación es "grave". Image
El diplomático también indicó que las personas que operen con firmas vinculadas con Cartes deben hacer la debida diligencia y que en las operaciones de venta de acciones del Grupo Cartes se verificará minuciosamente la trazabilidad y el beneficiario final.
Read 3 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
"According to the indictment, McGonigal and Neza made several trips together to Albania, where McGonigal met with Rama, the prime minister, and “Person B,” who, according to the New York Times, was Dorian Ducka, a former Albanian official and an informal adviser to Rama." Image
"As part of this effort, Lord Barker has personally retained a cadre of internationally respected advisors to help execute the plan, including international executive search firm Russell Reynolds, and investment bank Rothschild."

Rothschild & Co Bank.…
Oleg Deripaska tasked Lord Barker and Evgeny Fokin with The Barker Plan. They hired David Vitter and Mercury Public Affairs, which is also where Paul Manafort worked.

Rothschild & Co Bank is one of the law firms that helped Oleg Deripaska with The Barker Plan. ImageImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
The #HunterBiden disinformation is a cover for CEFC's U.N. bribery in Trump Tower, Rosneft's conspiracy to evade sanctions with Charles McGonigal, and Donald J. Trump's $5.4 million dollars he received to his secret Chinese bank account. ImageImageImage
The #HunterBiden disinformation is a cover for CEFC's U.N. bribery in Trump Tower, Rosneft's conspiracy to evade sanctions with Charles McGonigal, and Donald J. Trump's $5.4 million dollars he received to his secret Chinese bank account. ImageImageImage
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 18 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
Who's ready for some fucking indictments?

Are you ready, piss handler? ImageImageImage
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 15 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Charles McGonigal gave Paul Manafort a free pass on crime.

Who else did?

@Comey @petestrzok @FrankFigliuzzi1 @HillaryClinton
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 16 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
I don't know who needs to realize this, but the U.N. bribery scandal involving Charles McGonigal, the Trump Crime Family, the CCP, and Russian intelligence isn't going away.

It was a conspiracy to avoid #OFAC sanctions and they tried to kill Allison Guerriero as retribution.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

They went after Allison Guerriero for retribution, @RudyGiuliani.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

They went after Allison Guerriero for retribution, @RudyGiuliani.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

They went after Allison Guerriero for retribution, @RudyGiuliani.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

They went after Allison Guerriero for retribution, @RudyGiuliani.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Today would be a good day for Elon Musk to resign as the CEO of @Twitter, @elonmusk.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower, Elon Musk.…
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower, Elon Musk.…
Read 12 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Paul Manafort is responsible for the carnage in Mariupol. Ukraine warned us Paul Manafort was working with Russian GRU via the Party of Regions back in 2006, @Comey.

How long was McGonigal on the take to Oleg Deripaska and protecting Paul Manafort?
Paul Manafort is responsible for the carnage in Mariupol. Ukraine warned us Paul Manafort was working with Russian GRU via the Party of Regions back in 2006, @Comey.

How long was McGonigal on the take to Oleg Deripaska and protecting Paul Manafort?
Paul Manafort is responsible for the carnage in Mariupol. Ukraine warned us Paul Manafort was working with Russian GRU via the Party of Regions back in 2006, @Comey.

How long was McGonigal on the take to Oleg Deripaska and protecting Paul Manafort?
Read 17 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

They went after Allison Guerriero for retribution, @RudyGiuliani.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

They went after Allison Guerriero for retribution, @RudyGiuliani.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

They went after Allison Guerriero for retribution.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.

They went after Allison Guerriero for retribution.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family with some U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family and the U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family and the U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Charles McGonigal was helping Russia's Rosneft avoid #OFAC sanctions through a Chinese cutout, CEFC, and the conspiracy involved the Trump Crime Family and the U.N. bribery in Unit 78B of Trump World Tower.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Why was Charles McGonigal meeting with Albanians from a Chinese energy conglomerate?

Why was China and Russia helping the #TrumpCrimeFamily?

#OFAC sanction evasion.

Russian collusion.
Chinese collusion.

Bribery at the U.N. in Trump World Tower.
Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease.

Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC leased Unit 78B in Trump World Tower.…
"Ho and Gadio met at CEFC China’s suite at Trump World Tower (78B) in midtown Manhattan, where Ho enlisted Gadio to assist CEFC China in obtaining access to President Déby."…
Read 9 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
McGonigal is at the heart of an international criminal conspiracy involving the CCP via CEFC, the Russians via Rosneft, and the Trump Crime Family via Trump World Tower Unit 78B.

U. N. bribery scandal to avoid #OFAC sanctions.

Cope it up, buttercups.

@DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump
McGonigal is at the heart of an international criminal conspiracy involving the CCP via CEFC, the Russians via Rosneft, and the Trump Crime Family via Trump World Tower Unit 78B.

Conspiracy to avoid #OFAC sanctions, @RudyGiuliani.

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#KleptoCapture w/ #REPO
McGonigal is at the heart of an international criminal conspiracy involving the CCP via CEFC, the Russians via Rosneft, and the Trump Crime Family via Trump World Tower Unit 78B.

Conspiracy to avoid #OFAC sanctions, @RudyGiuliani.

#FinCen w/ #OFAC
#KleptoCapture w/ #REPO
Read 5 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
Another @RudyGiuliani drug deal almost got another woman killed.

Donald Trump is involved in the CEFC scheme to avoid #OFAC sanctions on Rosneft gas and they tried to murder Allison Guerriero for blowing the whistle on McGonigal.

When will they be indicted, @DonaldJTrumpJr?
Another @RudyGiuliani drug deal almost got another woman killed.

Donald Trump is involved in the CEFC scheme to avoid #OFAC sanctions on Rosneft gas and they tried to murder Allison Guerriero for blowing the whistle on McGonigal.

When will they be indicted, @DonaldJTrumpJr?
Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease.

Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC leased Unit 78B in Trump World Tower.…
Read 8 tweets

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