🤜❤️‍🔥🤛Challenger 🩺mission impossible❔️ Profile picture
🔊 )) ask for clean air in medical care!🩺 @SourceControl21@medibubble.org @SourceContro21@zeroes.ca 🦋 @ https://t.co/5BASaaSaEE

Jan 28, 2023, 10 tweets

Dekan Uni Heidelberg👀 de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans-Geor…
Chief chairman of

DZFI spoke 2021 of postpandemic era 🤡🤬

I dont trust
institutions nor experts nor government

I am not a conspirationalist

Some other spoke about exit wave ...

plead early for normalcy

their statements were:

no airfilters in school,
no testing (anlassloses Testen🤡),
no masks on population level
(bc dangerous 🤪),
omikron is mild 🤬,

Yes this bullshit
is written on their website
for hospital & dental practice hygiene


I read a lot of bullshit on twitter

many minimizer accounts

Some minimizers were sponsored to propagate endemy hOpium 🤡

END-emie will follow Pandemie 🤡

mindblowing stuff knowing the real signification of endemic BSL3 zoonose
endemic #SARSCoV2 means contrary to end mass hyperinfection anytime
Look at the omg on the left

Same general who lead corona tasc force for vaccination

Always unmasked 🫠

is actual leader of territorial Führungs- troup demonstrating much military power
With new minister of war claiming 100 billions arent enough for german military

I saw strange definitions of
"No danger" 😵‍💫

new eloquent calibration of necessity
for prevention measures 🫣

Very strange statements about
"Living with covid"

w/o any mitigation concepts to limit airborne transmission of #SARSCoV2 BSL3Z pathogen

Strange statement from german dental
regulative institution

"No, dont test patients" 🤡

first, 2021, government order
to test them all ...
to pick out asymptomatic infected ppl

this aim was contered by many physician & dental associations


Many german minimizers in complete denial of #SARSCoV2 dynamic 🤬

Useful idiots for politicians 😵‍💫


We are fine 🫠

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