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Jan 28, 2023, 9 tweets

Some of you never heard of #NeveYaakov settlement before last night's fatal attack. Having grown up just across from it, I thought to provide a couple bits of info.
I think its important considering this settlement's location & the fact its home to the "IDF" Central Command HQ.

In 1924, an American Zionist group purchased 62 dunams of land from Beit Hanina landowners. They settled it 1925-48. The population did not exceed a few hundred who lived peacefully before abandoning it as the eve of Al-Nakba when news came that Jordanian army mobilized to enter.

The settlement we know today was established in 1972, but on private & titled Palestinian lands illegally confiscated by Israeli authorities in August 1970 following occupation of E. Jerusalem. Prior, there was a Jordanian military base where land had been bought by Jews in 20s.

The settlement of Neve Yaakov was built on lands stolen from Palestinians of two major towns and one village. It was built on: 551 dunams from Beit Hanina, 315 dunums from Al-Ram & Dahiyeh, 385 dunams from Hizma respectively.

Beit Hanina where I grew up suffered greatly from Israel's systematic encirclement with bypass roads & Jewishcsettlements meant to choke it, take its lands & divide into fragments (half of Beit Hanina is under Jerusalem Municipality, other half is "Area C" of WB, behind the wall.

The settlement of Neve Yaakov served an important part in the belt of Jewish-only settlements in the heart of East Jerusalem, meant to limit and fragment Palestinian communities further. It is an exclusively Jewish settlement & only expands to host incoming Zionist immigrants.

Additionally, and equally important, the settlement of Neve Yaakov is home to Fort Nehemiah, the Central Command of the "IDF" Headquarters.

Being home to Central Command meant that the settlement hosted the military body responsible for all military units, operations and activities of Israeli Occupation Forces in the occupied West Bank.
also, the HQ's commander is the one authorized to declare new settlements in WB.

- The settlement is strategic in heart of Palestinian East Jerusalem, it serves its purpose to stop natural expansion of Beit Hanina & Dahiyet Al-Barid.

- The Israeli Military runs the Occupation from there. Here are pics of Israeli Def Min Yoav Galant in Neve Yaakov on 3.1.2023

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