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Jan 29, 2023, 11 tweets

1. 4080Km & the journey has just begun! #BharatJodoYatra has not concluded, it has become a mission for every Yatri to return with the message of Unity, Harmony & Dignity of India, its people & its culture. When #RahulGandhi set foot from Kanyakumari 5mo back, it was dismissed as

2. an aimless venture. Yet, the obsession with RG & INC ensured the walk was always under intense scrutiny of media & the IT cell. That was BJPs 1st folly. They allowed India too to keep an eye on Rahul Gandhi, perhaps many waiting for the next opportunity to mock him. & they did

3. Amit Malviya worked overtime to put out edited videos of Rahul’s speech. News channels went overboard defaming those who joined Rahul in his walk. It was an overdose of hate & lies. Rahul walked, Cong supporters, liberals, members of civil society continued to join him.

4. India watched this rivulet turn into a confluence of ideologies nurturing a land ravaged by hate with a silt of hope. The mockeries, trolling, notwithstanding Rahul Gandhi had decided not to let propaganda break his path. Press came, they asked & Rahul answered.

5. The press meets during BJY shows why freedom of press is crucial. Rahul was asked all forms of good Q, hostile Q, tricky Q. He answered with his trademark honesty. What a contrast with the emperor, who cannot be questioned unless it is about his mango-mania. & with the people

6. who joined in his walk, Rahul listened. He hugged, he played, he clicked, he laughed. It was a human walk, & that made it truly inspiring. India witnessed a Rahul Gandhi who was unlike what BJP has shown him to be. He was punctual. He showed immense discipline. He was humble.

7. He was defiant. He talked tough. He listened with humility. He answered with honesty. He questioned with courage. Here was a leader who was leading his troops unlike the emperor who lets his hounds attack on his behalf. & because Rahul walked, it made #BJY & Cong not fall for

8. hate-talks. BJY has been a success, here’s why
a. Media & IT cell attack on the Yatra kept increasing
b. It brought leaders from opp to join RG
c. Members from civil society joined the walk
d. Cong supporters haven’t been this motivated in a long time
Most of all, India

9. resonated with the message of peace & with the criticality of issues that Rahul Gandhi raised even if they’ve not transpired into electoral votes for the Congress, not now. But they’ve agreed with him. It has coincided with the time average Indian has felt the pains of policy

10. disaster brought about by Modi. BJY is sending home an army of motivated workers who’ve seen, interacted with & felt the man Rahul Gandhi is. & this army is way more inspired than the general BJP troll that takes pride in a twitter follow by the PM or some bigwig of the Sangh

11. They’ve experienced 1st hand the commitment of their leader. They’ve stories with Rahul Gandhi. They’ve braved the rains, the chills together. They’re returning home an indefatigable team. Congress was also engaged in BJY, now it is returning back to battleground Politics!

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