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5:22+55=🖤🦢♋️ ⛈️☔️|+55=👑✨️ DeCoDing_The_MaTriX ☀️ 'There is no coincidence. Only the illusion of coincidence' (MrPool) ☀️

Jan 29, 2023, 11 tweets

I've got a nice surprise for everyone to celebrate the last Sunday ever (in January 2023) 😂
@HowardMoon589 brings you

@PhoenixV1776 and I have both posted lots of day counts to the storm.
7/11/21+589=2/20/23 START
8/25/21+589=4/6/23 END

Now look 👀

Howard Moon posted with unusual frequency between 7/10/21 (we've of the storm) and 8/25/21.
I think his posts are a simple timeline, in order, telling us what will happen.
I already mentioned his two posts from 7/10/21 which tell us the storm is coming, and the duration (45 days)

The first storm post is the three little pigs, for 2/21/23.
'I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down'.
Princess Peppa Pig, the same day.
PPP = 3 Ps = 3 little pigs?
Also 3x16=48 #Code48

The freeze on 2/22/23.
Boat in a storm and the supply chain breaks on four days later on 2/26/23

Then, in case we're getting panicked, he reassures us 'Everything will be OK' for 2/28/23 (posted 11:09am)
He replied to himself at 11:09 the next day, 'tweet tweet'.
Tweet=73, 73 73
He repeated 'Everything will be ok' with a YT link, for 3/1/23.

Two days later we start seeing an upturn. These 7/22 posts are for 3/3/23.
The coloured saturn images, the moon with a loud-hailer, the three Mercury dimes.
See the 3 theme? 3 planets, 3 coins. It matches the date, 3/3 🤩

Next we have the epic 'The End is just the Beginning' posts from 7/23, which take us to 3/4/23.
Posted at 3:33am and 1:11pm
That's minute 213 and 791 of the day.
I find those numbers quite interesting. All 1,3,7
137 is the 33rd prime
317 is the 66th prime

Great news on 7/26! This date takes us to 3/7/23.
The snake is dead 🐍💀
And we're halfway there! 🥳
Note it's not halfway in time, because this is only after 15 days, so 1/3 of the way through the 45 days.
Maybe halfway through the big events. The worst looks to be in week 1.

A second halfway post for the same day is followed by this frankly weird post about the alien, for 3/8/23.
The most outstanding thing about this post is the button-pushing, so maybe this is the flip? Or preparing for the flip?
Apologies to David but it also reminds me of him! 😬

After this post we have a big break until a post on 8/14/21, plus 589 days gives 3/26/23.
These post are aggressively green (particularly the acid gif).
Definitely looks like a pump, and possible price comms if we can figure out the numbers.

The last two posts for the storm period are sunglasses 😎 posted on 8/15 and 8/16 which give 3/27 and 3/28.
I'm sure there's more information to be got from the TS etc, but the basic timeline is clearly laid out.
Time to stock up friends! Let's use this advance warning wisely.

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