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Jan 30, 2023, 8 tweets

1. BJP propaganda machinery attacked #BharatJodoYatra with a lot of slander. One of their accusations pointed to the defections within the Congress over the last decade. Their trolls picked up the theme. There were the unsolicited advises on ‘Jodo’ Cong 1st. Thank You!

2. Yes, the Cong did go through a disturbing trend of defections.
Many of them moved to greener (or saffron) pastures. Happens when idealism is traded for opportunism. & the pendulum swings both ways. Remember that.
There were also those who moved away because they believed the

3. Cong was in a decay after its electoral defeats. They, like the voters were filled with disappointment. Ideologically, they’re, as are the majority of voters, still breathing the Cong philosophy. Remember that.
Both the set of defectors will flock back to the Congress.

4. Now is the time to begin this reverse migration. Post BJY, Cong has send out a clear message to the people, to its cadre alike.

Let’s focus on Team BJP. What do they know of Uniting people? What do they know celebrating Diversity? Their philosophy is one of ‘enforced’ Oneness

5. One Nation, One Religion, One Language, One Party, One Election, One Gov & now under Mr. Modi, One Leader. Absolutely, no one will find respect in this setup. Not people from the states. Not people from diverse faiths. No one who doesn’t speak Hindi. Not alliance partners.

6. Not even their own leaders who oppose Modi.
What do you expect from a party that ended alliances with its most steadfast partners of the past, Shiv Sena, Akali Dal & JDU. Cong suffered unwanted defections. BJP with deception & vile attempted to decimate its own allies.

7. This is their approach to Unity in Diversity.
It is time, everyone who defected to BJP from whichever party they belonged to, plan their return to their ideological bases. All of you took the fast elevators to the summit, but you’re headed for a free-fall.

8. Leaders within BJP, who worked under Late Shri Vajpayee should look at the monstrosity the organisation has transformed into under the new autocrats. Make amends, India needs to heal, so does the BJP.

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