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Indian-Bharatiya-Hindustani | WiP Socialist | Gandhi Bhakt | Cat Pop | Lord of Canine | Communication | Anti-caste | Sensitive Atheist | MICA

Jan 30, 2023, 7 tweets

1. Mumbai, while you took a Sunday off, there some who were marching. No, this is not about #BharatJodoYatra. This happened in your city, attended by the top leaders of the ruling party at the centre. Like the BJY, this too had a relation to Love. Unlike BJY, it was against it.

2. The march was aptly called the Hindu Jan Aakrosh Morcha. It was organized by Sakal Hindu Samaj, a front for Hindutva RW organisations like the VHP, Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Sanatana Sangh, Karni Sena.
Do you know what ‘Aakrosh’ means – extreme anger if my Hindi is correct.

3. & you may wonder what is the ‘aakrosh’ about? Jobs? Inflation? Petrol prices? Cylinder? Adani? Amateurs! Sheer amateurs!!!
The ‘aakrosh’ was against ‘LOVE JIHAD’ with calls for laws against religious conversions & BOYCOTT of goods from shops owned by ‘THOSE’.

4. Matching slogans with the aakroshers were Ashish Shellar, Gopal Shetty, Manoj Kotak, Nitesh Rane, Atul Bhatkhalkar, Kirit Somaiya & many many more. I am sure you’re aware of these names. You elected them!
What is a rally w/o slogans! They brought the dear diary of hate-jargons

5. There was evergreen love-jihad, in-vogue boycott, commercial ‘halal’ & more. ‘THEY’ were warned against coming near Hindu girls. BMC elections was there. There was a call to vote for those who talk of Hindu interests. All in on, an advent of hate on streets of Mumbai Meri Jaan

6. Dear Mumbai, I Love You! You’re the city that I call home even while I wasn’t born here. You’re my pride even when I cannot speak Marathi. You’re filled with the most non-judgemental population that one willl come across anywhere else in India. You throw up memorable strangers

7. who come, help & disappear. You don’t deserve to be associated with Aakrosh. Fringes may hijack you on a Sun mor, but when your leaders join such hooligans, you're is brought to disrepute. You’ve witnessed communal riots & healed from it. Be firm & reject HATE! I Love Mumbai

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