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Jan 31, 2023, 7 tweets

1. The problem with such surveys is not their veracity. It is an art to make numbers dance to the tune you set. The problem with such surveys is that they’re setting a narrative that is not matching with the objective. Rahul Kanwal rushes to the survey &

2. is blatantly normalising the theme of #BharatJodoYatra as Brand re-launch #RahulGandhi. Whether it’s intentional or a lack of understanding, I don’t know. But its end-result is a trivialisation of a Yatra that travelled the entire length of India, involved ‘000s of people &

3. created a mass-political hysteria in the offices of Modi & Malviya. The Yatra brought about people hitherto unwilling to come out or share platforms, it brought out the cong cadre on roads, it brought together elements from the opposition for the cause of Unity. BJY is a rare

4. political movement without a short-term motive of electoral gains. Perhaps anchors like Rahul Kanwar aren’t aware of such ‘selfless’ & visionary brand of politics in an age where their political masters have commoditised everything from army to mothers to religion.

5. To look at BJY from this narrow lens is to demean the sweat & courage of everyone who participated in it. While Rahul Gandhi held the Yatra as its principal walker, the issues related to economic ruin, unemployment, inflation, int’l policy failure, crony capitalism came to the

6. forefront as the media so far had played the govt’s trumpet. The Voice of Rahul & the march of Yatris, were heard over it & found resonance with Indians. Whether RG’s acceptance ratings have increased marginally or substantially do not tell you if the pains of jobloss has been

6. addressed. It doesn’t take into account the uplifted morales of the workers or the assurance the population has felt watching a politician get down on the road to speak about issues that plague them. So long, Rahul Kanwal, thanks for all the fish, but it’s out of water now

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