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Jan 31, 2023, 11 tweets

//1🧵 Early Project Analysis #1

// So this is the first edition of the epic heading. In this heading, I'll break down the early project gems.

// The early birds who take advantage of this will make life-changing money 👇

//2 As it's the first edition, I'll explain how I research projects and what tools I use.

// Tools I use:
1. @TweetScout_io - this tool shows a score based on influencer, project and Venture Capital engagement. The higher the score, the better the project.

2. @Botometer - checks fake activity and bots, lower is better.

3. @crunchbase - if a project has funding, check the investor and amount raised. Big money from big players is a positive sign.

4. @BotSentinel - tracks project activity, Twitter creation date, and username changes.

5. Discord ID Creation Date Checker - by @hug_onun, checks Discord creation date to avoid scams. If Discord was created long before the project started, be cautious.

6. @ArkhamIntel - for NFT collections, check who deployed the contract and the assets they hold and where they're sent.

These are all the tools I use for project analysis.

//3 Finally, let's dive into the projects.

// 1. @MagicBatch - an ecosystem that includes various tools, offers investment opportunities in Polygon Ventures projects. Led by @9gagceo, join through @JoinTheBatch. Score 361, fake follower rating 1.2/5.

// 2. @DimensionalsRPG - a gaming multiverse powered by @MinoGamesInc and @SashaMackinnon, set to become a big franchise like Disney. Genesis NFT supply is 1000. Been in-game for 9 months. Try to get WL through giveaways. Score 462, fake follower rating 1.7/5.

// 3. @ghostboylives - a collection of 6666 ghosts, founded by @evanluza (co-founder of Cool Cats). Priced at 0.025 ETH. Join the raffle at…. Score 992, fake follower rating 1.4/5.

//4 In conclusion, stay ahead of the game by subscribing to this thread for future updates on early project analysis.

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