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Physician by calling! Internist! Himalayan Nomad! #medtwitter #kaapi #poet #author of Billion Suns Rising poetry Book #Haiku

Jan 31, 2023, 9 tweets

#Talesofmywanderlust will start a thread on my travels..I have an alternate blog which I never wrote..May be I start it this year.I travel to find parts of myself which lay dormant..laughter which freely flows! Goofiness I keep to myself usually..solitude and calm! Coffee first

Destination or Journey is important..Panda said it's the company! Company of music..friends and children chatter..amidst this we reached Bidar fort! Built 600 years ago, ruins have so many untold tales... Glorious ruins and I felt like a Last queen🤪

You finally arrive! What's a vacation when you don't put your feet up and read some poetry by the lake..Vilaspur Lake ..JLR Black buck! The lonely palash tree..."Flame of the forest" took my heart way..well it isn't lonely.. thriving in solitude! Softly evening was welcomed..

A Black buck... remember the famous case?they are endangered species and found in the grasslands here..Safari in an open Jeep is always fun..red soil..dry grasslands and blackbucks running around enjoying themselves in their territory! We intruders should respect that! Landscapes

Whenever I get overwhelmed..all I want to do is look up at the sky...Dark nights are filled with starry skies and getting away from the city is only way to look up at sky! Star gazing was unmissable..last few winter nights, cool breeze and camp fire were bonus! Some oaths taken😉

My favourite part of visiting a JLR is a sunrise trek..birds twitter and the beauty of the flora and fauna..Kids thoroughly enjoyed the trek..few falls here and there! Views are worth the falls and huffing... Gorgeous trees!!

Walks and views!! Nothing can be soothing than walking aimlessly and let serendipity do the magic for you!

Yes I did find myself back from all the lows and madness...There is always that one day on vacation that changes you! Hit the pedal and drive away..! Make way for new memories while cherishing the old ones! #Talesofmywanderlust

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