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Senecio art, illusion and theatre of the absurd

Feb 1, 2023, 25 tweets

" Stanford faculty may “purchase a leasehold interest.” Buyers sign a “ground lease” with the university, and then faculty members pay rent to Stanford ..
This unique structure dates to the university’s founding by Leland and Jane Stanford.."

"The Boston firm Shepley, Rutan, and Coolidge collaborated with Frederick Law Olmsted to develop the university’s final architectural plan.."

Frederick Law Olmsted was also the landscaper for the Vanderbilt's Biltmore Estate

Olmsted is often referred to as the “father of landscape architecture in America,” and is best known for New York’s Central Park, which he co-designed with architect and landscape designer Calvert Vaux ..…

Olmsted knew William Henry Vanderbilt, George Vanderbilt’s father, when they both lived on Staten Island, and the designer had already worked on several Vanderbilt family projects when George Vanderbilt approached him in 1888 to advise on the first 2,000 acres of his NC property

"Plans for both Biltmore House and its surrounding landscape changed in 1889 when Vanderbilt and architect Richard Morris Hunt toured France together and the scale of Vanderbilt’s new estate expanded..

Thank goodness that Biltmore page was archived:

Prior to becoming a landscape architect, Olmsted was first a seaman, farmer, then a journalist and founder of The Nation magazine, which still exists today. .

Portrait of Frederick Law Olmsted by John Singer Sargent

During the Civil War, he served as Executive Secretary of the U.S. Sanitary Commission (a precursor to the Red Cross). 👀

Frederick Law Olmsted was a freemason of course - The George Washington National Memorial…

The landscaping of the Memorial grounds was done by the renowned Olmstead Brothers firm. Founded by Frederick Law Olmsted—who designed the grounds of the

United States Capitol in Washington, D.C., New York City’s Central Park, the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina, and the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago ..…

The grounds of the Memorial were specifically designed by an Olmsted employee named Carl Rust Parker, one of the most renowned American landscape architects and a member of the Masonic Fraternity.…

The Memorial’s form was inspired by the lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt, one of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World, and its design reflects the classical architecture of Greece and Rome.

Shelburne Farms is an education center for sustainability, created in 1886 by Dr. William Seward Webb and Eliza Osgood Vanderbilt Webb as a model agricultural estate, using money inherited from railroad magnate William Henry Vanderbilt. They commissioned Frederick Law Olmsted

Lola Van Wagenen is on the board of directors of Shelburne Farms

her first husband was Robert Redford (1958-1985)

1975 to 1977, Van Wagenen developed The Sun Fund


In 1978, she organized SunDay in New York with the UN

SUNdance .. ooh.. now i get it..

But I digress..

Bradley Cooper, Board member , Hole in the Wall Gang Camp

Just saying..


Sorry to go off piste for a mo, but because Harvey Weinstein👆 was so involved with ASMALLWORLD - being a major shareholder and all..

I just did a quick search for Cooper and that club..

And got their Jimmy Choo Gstaad do..


Well you know that Jimmy Choo's son Danny makes robotic dolls and works with

Kanojo Toys.. they sell pornographic dolls.

Just saying

But I'm digressing too much 🙄


Will need to return to this later


Slave Gardens :…
Frederick Law Olmsted explained that slaves on a South Carolina plantation were "at liberty to sell whatever they choose from the products of their own garden"

Revisiting Olmsted's legacy may prove interesting..considering ...

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