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5:22+55=🖤🦢♋️ ⛈️☔️|+55=👑✨️ DeCoDing_The_MaTriX ☀️ 'There is no coincidence. Only the illusion of coincidence' (MrPool) ☀️

Feb 1, 2023, 6 tweets

Very interesting what Elon's tweeting today about the locked accounts.
First post at 0:32am EST
'Something is wrong'=1290/215
Next Elon announced he'd lock his account as a test, at 1:06am EST = 66 minutes after midnight.

Elon repeats his first tweet at 2:42 with an extra word.
Something fundamental is wrong=326

242 #Code48


666/111=Elona Musk
Elon adopted that name last March after challenging Putin to a combat over Ukraine.

Oh my goodness, another #Code48
It is a serious concern=236
2^3x6=48 ✅
Posted at 3:07pm EST, which was 8h43m (=1243 min) at the original post
1x2^4x3=48 ✅
Just what is Elon trying to say here?
David is giving 33s, I think for tomorrow (day 33) and Elon giving 48s
Day 48=2/17

Something's coming 🤭 (Elon's double entendre not mine lol)
He posted 1h 44m after Trung Phan's 'AI porn' tweet.
44 or 14? (60+44=104)
The AI porn theme naturally reminded me of David's tweet from 11/14/22.
That's 80 days ago today, but 79 days before the AI porn tweet.

Some of those other numbers could be interesting.
2 months 18 days
11 weeks 2 days
But what caught my eye was the date 11/14
Yesterday I did a day count from 9/19/22 (breaking of staff/Ripple's 10th birthday), adding 11 days repeatedly.
11x14 gives 2/20/23 😎🔥

This could connect to David's repeated 33s from yesterday and today.
Today 2/2 is the 33rd day of the year.
2/2=2/20 in numerology
If nothing appropriate happens today, I'll assume all the fuss is about 'the other 2/2'.
Is this a storm warning? ⚠️👀

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