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Solopreneur • 200 projects • 💰$3m+ • Code, AI, Father of @domi_kissi, DM for collabs ➡️ https://t.co/Rg6a9nGcPe ➡️ https://t.co/yuysSDkcfo ➡️ https://t.co/TzOOt1Qpgd

Feb 2, 2023, 12 tweets

If you're not utilizing AI for your productivity, you're falling behind.

Here are 9 sites that will help you boost your productivity by tens of percent:

{1} Simplified

An Easy-to-Use All-In-One App For Modern Marketing Teams

Simplified is the time-saving, all-in-one app that your modern marketing team can use for collaboration.

Millions of free images, videos, and audio clips.

🔗 simplified.com

{2} Codeium

Codeium is the modern coding superpower, a free AI-powered code completion tool.

It supports over 20+ languages and integrates with your favorite IDEs, with lightning-fast speeds and state-of-the-art suggestion quality.

🔗 codeium.com

{3} Cron AI

Words to cron expression

An easy AI cron expression generator

🔗 cron-ai.vercel.app

{4} Namy

We use the latest in AI (GPT-3) to power the most advanced name-generation algorithm on the internet. For free.

🔗 namy.ai

{5} Twitter Bio Generator

Generate your next Twitter bio in seconds.

🔗 twitterbio.com

{6} ValidatorAI

AI validation for any business idea.

🔗 validatorai.com

{7} Easy-Peasy .AI

Affordable AI Writer and AI Content Assistant

It will save you time and help you produce polished content quickly and easily.

🔗 easy-peasy.ai

{8} Profile Picture AI

AI Profile Picture Generator

Your profile picture is the first thing people see when they look at your profile.

It uses AI to generate an image of you that looks perfect and captures who you are.

🔗 profilepicture.ai

{9} AI Reality

Learn and create Augmented Reality with AI

Create augmented reality prototypes through text from AI.

Learn by doing and discover how to empower your AR projects with this technology.

🔗 aireality.tech

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