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5:22+55=🖤🦢♋️ ⛈️☔️|+55=👑✨️ DeCoDing_The_MaTriX ☀️ 'There is no coincidence. Only the illusion of coincidence' (MrPool) ☀️

Feb 3, 2023, 6 tweets

There is no DeFi bot everybody's using=384=8x48
Duration of war from 2/24/22 to 3/15/23 = 384 days = 48 weeks 48 days
Posted 2:42am EST
Thank you David ❤️
You're a star 💫🌈

I think this is a comm for 2/7 pump.
David's tweet gives 384 in Gematria
Subtract 384 days from today, gives 1/15/22.
The only significant tweet I can see that day is this 'Spread Game':
Spread Game=89
The numbers on the left of the photo:

On 2/7/22 XRP pumped +21.82%
David posted at 9:36pm EST to apologise for having bumped into the switch while he was asleep.
I don't think we're going to go into the storm with dirt-cheap XRP. Late panic-buyers will have to pay.
BTW his reply=5700

The 'Last chance to buy XRP' video could have 2/7 comms too.
8:33pm = 1233 minutes after 00h
'When you know it's your last chance to use your paycheck for more XRP' = 766
Don't know if this is too much of a stretch lol but it fits.
We'll see 🧐

Organising my gallery I found another 2/7 comm 😂 now I see them everywhere.
Pool posted PREPARE on 5/7/22 at 11:20pm and reposted at the same time on 9/22/22.
We clearly have to connect these posts.
138 days apart, count 138 days from 9/22 and it gives 2/7/23

On 9/22/22, apart from PREPARE, Pool also posted (all at 11:20pm):
At 11:31pm he posted:
night ;)
night = 58 = XRP
;) = Wink = 57 = Moon
XRP Moon
Is XRP Moon 2/7? Or 11 days later? ('night' post was 11 minutes later).
2/7 flip, last day to buy, 2/18 moon?

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