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Feb 3, 2023, 14 tweets

The ultimate BOLLYWOOD money laundering thread.

Explained in a way a 5th grader will get it

Told like a movie story

Best part hero of this movie is YOU.

Why movies with empty theaters claim “profits”.

Why governments find it hard to prosecute

DON’T MISS! @GemsOfBollywood

YOU are a DON!

Into drugs, prostitution & illegal arms.


UNTRACEABLE CASH at lowest level.

People don’t pay for drugs, escorts or illegal guns via UPI, ICICI card or personal check - Its HARD CASH

You the DON has 500 CR INR cash in jute sacks in Panvel farmhouses/Dubai Villas

Collected via low level operators.

You can buy paan,sutta, laundi but that’s school boy level!

Maserati, luxury villa, stocks kaise khareedoge?

That needs traceable legal white rokda

YOU need CASH HEAVY LEGAL business as fake front

Where daily deposits are in cash are

Example car wash, casino, restaurant.

BUT for laundering big amounts - FILMS.

Films are BIG & last mile purchase I.e theater tickets - ARE IN CASH & GLAMOR is involved!

Rahim banai jodi

Step 1 - To ensure distributors & theaters buy you lock big name stars

Payment to stars can also be inflated via splitting part cash, part in overseas Canadian, UK & Dubai accounts.

Step 2 - Production Expenses are inflated & split between dozens of collaborators to show way more than reality by fudging receipts

E.g for outdoor shooting a LOT of daily shooting (food/extras/PR) expenses are CASH

E.g Kumar Sanu allegedly made movie Uthaan ENTIRELY IN CASH!

Step 3 - You spent only 250 CR layered via multiple collaborator but shown 500 CR

YOU’RE hidden

No single transaction can be proven illegal in any court

YOU recover that 250 CR into white first & also have 250 CR more in back pocket

Step 4 - YOUR distributors friends - buy based on star & Don power

YOUR friend in Dubai purchases rights for film in South Africa without having a bank account there. Government will see a legit bank to bank from India to UAE


Step 5 - Theaters. It’s a very CASH HEAVY business. And you still have 250 CRS to convert to white. You can claim theaters are full & collections are huge by infusing those 250 CRS in bulk buy back of own tickets. How can ED monitor every theater to confirm what was legit sale?

YOU are KING! Look at the math below

Reality On paper
Expense 250 crs. 500 crs
Income 250 crs. 500 crs

If movie merely breaks even on 250 CRS you still turned 500 CR from black to white. If more you pay tax & it’s all white - win win


YOU turned 500 Cr from black to white

YOU slept with prettiest starlets & stars

YOU ensured that your community controls the entire value chain from production house, Stars to extras

YOU drove your ideological narrative via cinema

ED cannot touch you

Cash expenses unprovable

Foreign distributions unprovable

Theater collections unprovable

For small mishaps like actors found hanging etc there are top lawyers to defend you


Entertainment & escape is essential to life so you cannot wish away movies or OTT

Only solution is an equal & opposite reaction

Movements like #boycottbollywood raise awareness so that eventually an motivated ambitious DHARMIC will infuse money in movies instead of DON

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