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Jun 18, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
Toxic food & sedentary life in North America & urban India causes obesity & related diseases

We all know about coke, candy & chips being bad but you’ll be shocked how junk is masked in regular everyday eatables

Don’t miss this thread if value your health & want practical tips Image Seed oils - This one is a killer that hardly anyone is aware

Did you know that till few decades ago vegetable oils that today is commonly used in home and restaurant cooking was considered industrial waste? Image
Jun 13, 2024 14 tweets 6 min read
Dire civilizational warning - if you read one thread today let it be this one. Your future is on the line & honestly it doesn’t look too bullish for Hindus in India.

Using a real life anecdote from today I’ll show you how situation is no different from elections of British India in 1937 & 1946

Save this tweet for 2029Image A childhood friend who’s now a successful businessman was in town & we met for a quick 20 mins

He’s very involved with BJP & close to one candidate who had been given an MP ticket as he had a good track record of winning MLA seats. This particular MP constituency had approx 5 MLA constituencies with one M majority area.Image
Jun 12, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
This thread is unique & different from our regular ones

A list of existential questions. Would appreciate if you can provide a logical, spiritual, faith based (any faith) or scientific answers to these

If possible please keep answer simple enough for avg brain to process Image If there is a creator then who created the creator?

If someone fled then where does chain end?

If no one did then how does creator exist? Image
Jun 3, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
Every Hindu who thinks you'll automatically survive forever just because your dharma is "sanatan" (timeless) should read this unmissable thread

A brief history of Parsis (Zoroastrians) who once held sway over an area almost as big as India but near extinct today

Learning lessonImage 1700 BCE: Origins - Zathurashtra (founder and prophet of Parsis) imparts the principles of Zoroastrianism in Central Asia, believed to have occurred between 1700 and 1000 BCE.Image
May 24, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
1/14 What's the fundamental difference in organized Abrahamic faiths vs Hinduism?

Why did Hindus lose 50% land & mind share but didn't die out?

Don't miss this thread that combines history, human psychology and philosophy to answer basic civilizational questionsImage 2/14 Most influencers, handles or narratives present a unidimensional view of history and human interactions i.e. the group they identify with is all good and adversarial groups are all bad.

But in reality history is multi-layered & humans are multidimensionalImage
May 22, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Why did Marathas & Sikhs not join hands against Afghans & British?

History is shockingly complicated - Don't miss this thread

Mughal empire was demolished by 1717

By 1750 Marathas ruled India & Sikh misls controlled Punjab.

Why didn't they join hands?Image Mughals were Maratha vassals but still retained revenue rights over Delhi

There was a Mughal governor called Adina Beg who was struggling against invading Afghans under Ahmedshah Abdali

We think of Sikhs Marathas as mortal enemies of Mughals but truth has layers and nuancesImage
May 19, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Did you know about this unbelievable battle of Cajamarca in 1532 between 80,000 Incas under Atahualpa vs just 168 Spaniards under Francisco Pizzaro in Peru?

The Spanish were outnumbered 650:1 and they WON

Don't miss this one - read on to know why technology mattersImage The Spanish force consisted of around 168 soldiers, including 62 cavalrymen.

In contrast, the Incas, led by Emperor Atahualpa, had around 80,000 warriors.

The Spaniards' advanced weaponry and tactics would play a crucial role.Image
May 14, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Did you know about the dark & disgusting truth of the brutal slave trade of Hindus by Islamist invaders for over 1000 years?

Many time worse that the inhuman transatlantic Slave trade of Africans

Enslaved as labor, artisans & worse - SEX SLAVES

Read on to be SHOCKEDImage Starting 750 CE, India experienced waves of invasions by various Islamic dynasties, like Ghaznavids, Ghurids, Delhi Sultanate, and Mughals.

These resulted in the subjugation of Hindu kingdoms and the enslavement of captured individuals, among other consequences.Image
May 12, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
An unmissable visual story thread of Maharana Pratap's fight against Mughal tyrant Akbar as a tribute on his birthday May 9th

Bollywood has produced many Mughal- e- azams but never anything on Rana but we promise you that by this year end we'll have a short movie on him

Read onImage The story starts in the year 1540, a baby was born to King Udai Singh II and Queen Jaiwanta Bai in Mewar.

This baby was named Pratap Singh.

He would go on to be India's greatest heroes and would embody courage and conviction against all oddsImage
May 5, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Did you know the dark secrets of the Ottomans ?

The Ottoman empire 1481-1914 evoked the loyalty of Indian Muslims that they revolted for its caliphate in 1921

Journalists like Rana Ayyub relate more to TV serials Ertugrul not Shivaji

But there was a diabolical side. Read on.Image The Ottoman Empire's expansionist policies often resulted in brutal conquests and mass atrocities.

The siege of Constantinople in 1453 culminated in widespread slaughter, pillaging, and the enslavement of thousands, marking the end of the Byzantine Empire.Image
May 1, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Do you know what is Jal Jauhar?

Paid German propagandists claim that targeted sexual assaults is WhatsApp university lie

But barely 75 years ago kuffr women had to drown themselves to escape Jihadist sexual violence

A thread about a poignant chapter of history!Image In 1946 the Jihadists of the subcontinent voted overwhelmingly in favor of Jinnah & partition

Soon after they also started large scale riots to enforce it and exterminate non-believers

Jihadist rape gangs roamed all over Punjab & Bengal picking up Hindu-Sikh women of any ageImage
Apr 30, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Did you know that Kung Fu was invented & perfected by an Indian Prince & not by Chinese?

Don’t miss this thread on the incredible story of a 6th century Tamil prince turned Buddhist monk turned martial arts champion – BodhidharmaImage In the 6th Century, nestled within the kingdom of Pallavas in Kanchipuram, lived a prince named Bodhidharma.

Despite his royal status, he felt a calling beyond the realm of politics.Image
Apr 27, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
1/6 Dive into the forgotten saga of Sadhu bravery!

In the vibrant festivities of Holi, Feb 1757, Mathura and Vrindavan trembled under Ahmad Shah Abdali's Afghan onslaught.

Chaos reigned as locals and pilgrims faced the wrath, sparing no man woman or kid.

It was a genocideImage 2/6 Temple upon temple was attacked.

Everything in sight was destroyed.

Streets were filled with blood of the innocents.
Afghans were going all out with a take no prisoners kill 'em all strategyImage
Apr 21, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
Those that tell stories rule the world- Top 10 epics in human history

The ancients did not have WhatsApp TikTok or Insta

Their stories, life lessons and morality were passed on via Epics with 100s of characters, complex plots & subplots

Unmissable thread of best epicsImage 1/10: "The Epic of Gilgamesh" - An ancient Mesopotamia around 2100 BCE.

Gilgamesh, the tyrannical king of Uruk, embarks on a quest for immortality after the death of his friend Enkidu. Its importance lies in its reflection of Mesopotamian values & mortalityImage
Apr 17, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Thread on Champa - Hindu-Buddhist kingdom from 2nd-17th century Vietnam

Indians obsess with Pakistan when they should be focusing on South East Asian civilizational allies

Continuing our series with Vietnam after Cambodia and Philippines.

Its Indo-sphere not Sino-SphereImage To give a geographical context here is a map of the kingdoms around Champa. The yellow portion is Champa

Notice how the names of towns in the entire region was all HinduImage
Apr 12, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
You must have heard of Cebu city in the Philippines -now a 100% Catholic country

But how many of you knew that it was ruled by Hindu Chola Rajas for centuries before Ferdinand Magellan landed in 1521?

Thread on kingdom started by Half Chola Half Malay Sri Lumay in 1400 CEImage Historical records reveal that the prince, known as Sri Lumay or Rajamuda Lumaya, arrived in the Philippines from Sumatra, bringing with him the rich cultural heritage of the Chola dynasty and Malay archipelago.

His vision laid the foundation for a Hindu kingdom in CebuImage
Apr 11, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
An unmissable thread on the story of an Indian merchant who married a Cambodian princess and founded an empire

People assume that Indian history is limited to the geographical limits of post 1947 India but in reality
civilizational Indo-sphere is Afghanistan to South East AsiaImage Legend goes that, once upon a time, in 1st century C.E India, there lived a young man named Kaundinya.

He set off to South East Asia on a merchant ship and was attacked by forces belonging to Princess SomaImage
Apr 7, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
An unmissable thread on top ten Sanskrit plays

India has a very rich body of literature because of being an old and multi layered civilization

Unfortunately most Indians are not taught this as a part of their mainstream education that misses out on the classical part

Read on.Image 1/10: Shakuntala by Kalidasa: A timeless tale of love and separation, Shakuntala is a foundling raised by sage Kanva. She falls in love with King Dushyanta, but a curse causes him to forget her. Their journey to reunite amidst trials is a captivating exploration of love's power.Image
Mar 29, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
A thread on busting the lie that Savarkar didn't participate in struggle post jail

Material by @rwmaharashtra - we fine tuned & did wordsmithing

Savarkar was in jail from 1910-24 (Kaalapaani + Ratnagiri) & confined to Ratnagiri till 1937

Read on to know what he did after thatImage In 1937, after 27 long years in confinement, he finally got his freedom. And guess what he did next? He wrote a letter to the President of America - FDR, asking for help to free India from the British rule.

Would a British stooge ever do that? Ask yourself.Image
Mar 27, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
Nehruvian lies on Savarkar 2

Today's topics – British Stooge post Kaalapaani | Why recruit for WW2 | Why oppose Quit India movement

Quit India Movement is sold to you as non-violent elixir that got freedom But look at Dr. Ambedkar's statement on the movement

Shocked? Read on..Image Myth - "Savarkar was a stooge after Kaalapaani."

Basic fact you don't know - Savarkar was in Ratnagiri jail 1921-24. From 1924-37 the British took away his livelihood & confined him inside Ratnagiri

They gave pension of 60 rupees while other revolutionaries got 100Image
Mar 26, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
An unmissable 2 thread series busting Hinduphobic lies on Savarkar | Part 1 - Mercy Petitions and Casteism

The canards about Savarkar will be repeated often so bookmark this thread.

It has verifiable proofs & sources to silence Nehruvians/Jihadists in a succinct mannerImage Mafiveer - Mercy & clemency petitions were extremely common. Guess who else wrote them?

Jawaharlal Nehru when he once was locked in jail in Aabha. Mercy petition within 3 weeks. Screen shot from his own autobiography attached

Read the next tweets to be shocked!Image