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Feb 3, 2023, 12 tweets

This is an important thread as the man describes what is going on and the attacks that we are under so please watch and share all of the videos.

The US is being destroyed (mainly from within) because our middle class and constitution stand in the way of global governance.

The Club of Rome is about degrowth and depopulation. In order to transition to global technocratic governance, the US must be destroyed. There is a reason our middle class is being decimated.

The technocrats always talk about 2030 and 2050. The 2030 agenda is essentially a check point on the status of obtaining total global transformation by 2050. They also talk about sustainability. Most people think that relates to the climate but it is about depopulation.

This is when I started getting the chills. Keep in mind that this video is from 1994. There is a reason why Bill Gates, Fauci, and others talk about never ending, increasing in numbers viruses/pandemics and the desperate need to vaccinate everyone globally.

I’ve heard others say this but I, too, find it interesting that more of the “elite” technocrats haven’t died from covid nor have they apparently been stricken with myocarditis. Regardless, the plan is mass famine and death to reach a sustainable population.

Though I think what Russia is doing is beyond reprehensible, it appears that Russia has been used as a distraction for decades. Also, is it any surprise that Christopher Steele of the Russian collusion hoax is MI6 knowing that Britain is global governance HQ?

After listening to this clip, watch this interview with Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, discuss HIV.

Proof of what he is saying about the Club of Rome and depopulation is true, straight from the mouth of one of the founders of the Club of Rome.

Both the Obama and Biden regimes support agenda 2030 and sustainable development, aka an unjust transition to global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance.…

The technocrats are financing the transformation to global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance via controlling the natural resources.

Sound familiar?

I’m guessing this is the real reason why it took days to shoot down the Chinese balloon. #ChineseSpyBalloon

The Club of Rome created “climate change” as the catalyst to get people to unknowingly go along with global governance, which is now called sustainable development.

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