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❌BigMamaTEA❌ Profile picture Oo Profile picture ☀️ Leon-Gerard Vandenberg 🇳🇱🇨🇦🇦🇺 Math+e/acc Profile picture CBStrike27 Profile picture Emerald Rose ❤️🤍💙 Profile picture 24 subscribed
Jul 2 5 tweets 2 min read
The Inflation Reduction Act (which increases inflation) is the green new scam. It must be 100% repealed and every politician that lied about it should be kicked out of office.
Jun 25 14 tweets 5 min read
The globalist climate cult is worried about Trump because he would once again get in the way of the climate cult agenda which is to kill the oil and gas industry which will lead to mass famine and death. With no fossil fuels, these climate cult members would be naked and blind because everything they have on, including their glasses, is made from fossil fuels.

The climate cult fully expects that we the US taxpayers will fund the green new scam globally. That means even higher inflation than we are currently experiencing which negatively impacts the most vulnerable people among us.

If you want to know what a disaster a carbon tax would be, just look at Canada.

The climate cult is worried about Project 2025 because they need a large tyrannical government to implement global climate communism, aka Agenda 2030 and the SDGs.

The Inflation Reduction Act is the green new scam. It is a transfer of wealth from we the people to the climate cult and no matter how many trillions of dollars they spend, nothing they are doing will change the weather.

On day one, Trump must sign an EO that stops all funding and every program that has anything to do with “climate change” and any city or state that continues with the climate cult agenda should not receive one penny of federal taxpayer dollars. “Climate change” must be rooted out of every inch of our country as it is the basis of all of the chaos, even the intentionally open border (ie the “climate migrant” BS excuse).

The climate cult has created a green fantasyland and they expect all of us to live in it even though no one voted for it. It’s time that people wake up to their intentions and say no.
Jun 12 5 tweets 2 min read
“Raffensperger told ABCs' "Good Morning America" that his office would not open an investigation, as it could be a conflict of interest, "but he believes the Fulton County DA wants to look at it." Fulton County DA Fani Willis said in a statement she found the call "disturbing" and
said “I will enforce the law without fear or favor."

Brad was in on the theft of the 2020 election and is part of the lawfare. He must be held accountable along with everyone else.

The democrats and uniparty RINOs play dirty while the worthless republicans write strongly worded letters. All of the lawfare is coordinated as part of “saving democracy”.Image
Jun 5 9 tweets 2 min read
“Ex-Andersen employees react to overturned conviction.”

June 2005

Andrew Weissmann destroyed companies and lives due to his actions in regards to ENRON. He is now doing the same thing to Trump, his affiliates and J6ers. Andrew must go to prison next year. “The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn the conviction of nearly defunct Arthur Andersen LLP brought elation for some but was little comfort to many people who lost their jobs when the accounting firm crumbled.”
Jun 3 5 tweets 1 min read
“New Game Makes Learning Foreign Policy Basics Fun for Students”

This is from the CFR. It’s part of creating compliant global citizens.… “The COVID-19 pandemic has made it all too evident that policymakers in the United States must work collaboratively with leaders across the world to meet challenges that know no borders. Now, more than ever, the youth in this country must possess a foundational understanding of the world and how it works,” said CFR President Richard Haass.”
Jun 3 5 tweets 2 min read
It makes no sense that someone who knows how corrupt the government is can’t grasp the fact that they also stole the 2020 election and covered it up on January 6. He even wrote about the CTI League.
May 25 7 tweets 2 min read
Chris Krebs is the first person I would charge with sedition. Notice how he says it was Mike Pence who worked to get the effort signed into law.

Mike Pence was involved in the theft of the 2020 election and the cover-up, January 6.
May 24 4 tweets 2 min read
“The WHO’s pending global pandemic agreement and the International Criminal Court's application for arrest warrants of leaders of a democratic country fighting terrorists are raising concerns about globalism, which critics say is supported by President Joe Biden's policies.” Dementia Joe Biden was installed to destroy our country from the inside in order to transition to global climate communism. Trump is in the way so he must be taken out by any means necessary.…
May 11 18 tweets 4 min read
“Cybereason raises $275M at Series F, adds Steven Mnuchin to board”

July 2021… “Cybereason, a U.S.-Israeli late-stage cybersecurity startup that provides extended detection and response (XDR) services, has secured $275 million in Series F funding.”
Apr 28 17 tweets 4 min read
“Several groups involved in organizing anti-Israel protests that have broken out at college campuses have received money from organizations funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros, according to a report.”

All of the oligarch funded foundations must be dismantled. “One group is Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), whose satellites helped organize encampments at Ohio State University, Berkeley, Harvard, Yale, and Emory, per the report.”
Apr 22 7 tweets 3 min read
Comrade Jamie Raskin is one of the chief propagandists for the blob. He is an unhinged loon and a liar. He is also a seditionist that participated in the theft of the 2020 election and the cover-up, January 6, as did Mike Pence.

Here he lays out the story that the bogus J6 committee was going to tell the public during the televised dog and pony shows to the American Bar Association. They completely tainted the entire legal system against Trump, anyone affiliated with him, and the J6ers. There was zero chance they were going to get a fair shot at justice.

This is unacceptable and everyone that has knowingly gone along with this, including Jamie Raskin and Suzanne Spaulding, MUST BE CHARGED WITH SEDITION. Additionally, the American Bar Association must be dismantled.
Apr 17 8 tweets 2 min read
Jeh Johnson from the second worst presidential regime (Obama) is the person that centralized our elections process under the guise of cybersecurity which made the theft of the 2020 election possible. No one from NY should be allowed anywhere near our elections seeing as though they have utterly destroyed the rule of law and the constitution in their psychotic lust to go after one man. Jeh Johnson can see the “Russians”.
Apr 14 31 tweets 11 min read
“How to Vet Poll Workers to Mitigate Future Election Subversion Efforts”

Translation: The blob that stole the 2020 election wants to make sure that poll workers are ideologically pure. That means ensuring that poll workers are election fraud deniers and therefore will not report any fraud.Image

Apr 13 10 tweets 2 min read
“The fact that the private sector first uncovered the details of the suspected Russian espionage operation has raised questions about who knew what, and when, within the intelligence community.”

Our national security state created Solarwinds. It was Stuxnet 2.0. Stuxnet 2.0
Apr 10 8 tweets 2 min read
Keep in mind “the russians”/GRU = our national security state when reading this. “The GRU has been linked to cyberattacks at the Democratic National Committee in 2016 and the compromise of the World Anti-Doping Agency," Area 1 says. "The GRU has also been linked to the targeting of European foreign ministries and defense agencies, campaigns for the 2018 U.S. midterm elections, FIFA and Westinghouse."
Apr 10 29 tweets 5 min read
“Russian spies hacked Ukrainian energy company (Burisma) at center of Trump's impeachment.”

So it appears that our national security state hacked Burisma to get rid of evidence and then blamed it on the “Russians”.

January 13, 2020 “Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company at the center of the Trump impeachment case, was hacked by Russian spies, security experts said in a report released Monday.”
Mar 28 36 tweets 8 min read
From the Center for American Progress:

"9 recommendations to address vulnerabilities in U.S. election security"

August 2017 "Well-resourced hackers, whether funded by foreign governments or criminal syndicates, have the access, ability, and motivation to infect computerized voting machines and tallying systems across America. This can occur even if the machines are not connected to the internet. Attackers, for example, can deploy software such as Stuxnet and Brutal Kangaroo to target offline voting machines." 🙄Image
Mar 24 10 tweets 2 min read
“News broke on Sunday that SolarWinds' OrionIT product was hacked as far back as March, with malware added to a software update that was downloaded by thousands of clients.”

December 2020 March 2020
Mar 4 17 tweets 4 min read
“The prospect of a second Trump presidency has the intelligence community on edge. Trump sought major changes at the intel agencies in his first term; former officials say he could be more radical in a second.” “Former top officials from Donald Trump’s administration are warning he is likely to use a second term to overhaul the nation’s spy agencies in a way that could lead to an unprecedented level of politicization of intelligence.”
Feb 25 6 tweets 2 min read
“Threat actors are expected to launch disinformation campaigns targeting the results of the 2020 elections in the United States, the FBI and CISA said in an alert this week.”

September 2020 “Spreading disinformation on the results of the elections represents a threat to the credibility of the electoral process, meant to undermine confidence in the democratic institutions in the United States, the alert reads.”
Feb 25 7 tweets 2 min read
Bill Evanina (a Clapper guy who is in the OANN Biden corruption videos and is also in your video) was part of the theft of the 2020 election, as was Google as a company by tracking ballots. The national security state (including Google, Microsoft, and amazon) stole the 2020 election and covered it up, aka January 6. They will do it again in 2024 unless they are exposed and/or held accountable by then. @NameRedacted247