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Feb 4, 2023, 27 tweets

𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃: Proof That January 6, 2021 Was The Most Dangerous Insurrection In American History.

20 FBI and ATF join J6th.

The FBI and the Department of Injustice continue to politically persecute and frighten American citizens

A whistleblower revealed a plethora of documents and text messages, some labeled "Highly Sensitive," to the Gateway Pundit.…

The informant further testifies to the FBI that Proud Boys intended to travel to Washington DC to risk their own safety to shield normal Trump Supporters from Antifa violence so MAGA people could enjoy the day and "go back to their hotels safely"

Throughout the day, the informant sent SMS to his handlers. The whistleblower provided us with text message correspondence between the informant on January 6th, such as the one below.…

The photographs and videos he gave, together with names, addresses, and phone numbers, led to these people being searched and detained by the FBI. See the photos labelled "Highly Sensitive" submitted to the FBI and that the whistleblower shared HERE.…

When an event like J6 gains the public's attention, someone has to be the enemy, the FBI knew this. If the people fighting for election integrity are bad who is good?

Full audio, images, and transcript below:


The media pushed the propaganda that Trump and his supporters were asking everyone to riot. The J6 committee was caught doctoring Trump's speech and removed "peacefully and patriotically" from it. Why would they hide this?

Trump actually vanished before his voters began walking towards the Capitol, he was "escorted" by his secret service because they claim there were reports that indicated he was in danger, the media continued to paint a false picture of Trump, but why?…

Alex Jones was also accused of inciting violence, Did you know that "2000 Mules" has yet to be debunked? Why would the FBI and DOJ hide evidence from the public? Why would they want to frame MAGA voters?

We have proof that prosecutors and the FBI hid footage, so I have attached every Parler file from J6th, The people should always have the ability to judge for themselves.… when the truth is hidden from the public a lie can take it's place

If this looks like an insurrection to you?, please research the 1987–1989 JVP insurrection.

- Federal court filings reveal over 20 FBI agents were embedded in the #January6 crowd…


The only people that died during this was MAGA voters like Ashli Babbitt who was shot unarmed by Capitol police. It is worth noting that there appears to be video evidence that suggests Babbitt struck the officer first, if true, this could explain the lack of prosecution.

This new Trumpian Empire's vanguard lacked weaponry, siege equipment, food and water for a long occupation, and any firm plan. What did they possess? A man in warpaint who claimed to be a shaman. (Who I can confirm from close sources is a freedom-loving patriot not FBI)

With a distraction this large, it wouldn't be insane to question the authenticity of election integrity. After conservatives were labeled as insurrectionists, all of their views and concerns became irrelevant. Anyone who would hold them accountable was identified as a terrorist.

Why would the FBI go through all of this work to discredit Trump? Evidence suggests it was to make America forget why they came. When Trump won his 2016 election millions of tax dollars were spent when the DNC accused him of "Russian collusion"…

The fact that the media and the FBI prevented conservatives from being able to voice the same concerns is very concerning in itself. If we live in a nation where only one voice is able to be concerned is it still free?

Why did MAGA voters go to D.C.?

An army of lawyers descended, some with poorly written briefs, others with very convincing witnesses. Postal workers, a UPS driver, poll workers, & others began sharing damning stories about blatant fraud. Each of these cases was slowly, but soundly rejected, denied, or dismissed

Most importantly, not on merit, but on standing. That is, the evidence was never judged; only the method was. This ensured that Trump's followers' issues were never examined, aired, or scrutinized in the open while his opponents might insult Trump supporters for their losses

He did a huge disservice by never putting these claims to rest. Those who dared to question what they saw were vilified as conspiracy theorists and morons at best and traitors and terrorists at worst.

The final straw for these people would be a special election in Georgia to determine Senate control. People went to bed expecting the Republicans would retain those two seats, leaving the new president with a divided Congress.

It is now clear that the protests became confrontational during the president's speech, calling the president's claim that he led them into question. What is true is that some people entered the legislative building with the help of the Capitol Police.

Before protesters were led in, we can see the first people to enter the Capitol were wearing full tactical gear, which also supports the evidence that this was indeed an organized event, even though the FBI has been backtracking on that statement about conservatives lately.

Confirmed Antifa Member John Sullivan can be seen in the same gear days while publicly organizing Antifa's plans before J6 and during the protest, we can see him being led into the Capitol with CNN.

While protesters were inside the Capitol, members of Antifa were seen and reported starting majority of the chaos that was being reported, it appears these reports fell on death ears as there were no reports of Antifa having any connection to J6th.

Anyone who paid attention to Joe Biden leading up to the election knew full well that this was an absurd proposition, yet when all newscasters said it long enough, it became the reality. So, the narrative was set.…

Apologies, this clip was supposed to go on this TWEET.

Try to cut me some slack in the death ears typo, lol…..

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