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GP (Ex-Partner/Trainer) - enjoying the extra time & space - Believe in the NHS (Opinions my own) - NHS Facts and Stats Facebook - DAUK GP Spokesperson #BeKind

Feb 4, 2023, 5 tweets

🆘GP Crisis🆘

GP is the most monitored, regulated, inspected area of #NHS

Tick boxes for referral, monitoring, appts, appraisal, learning, training

It has more targets - CQC/NHSE/GMC/Gov

8000 too few GPs - more leaving

1.4m appts/day


🆘GP Crisis🆘

Too many targets in order earn the money to provide care for patients

Means many appts are provided just for targets - not necessarily for the care patients really need


🆘GP Crisis🆘

The CQC inspection process duplicates much of the monitoring done in GP

Adds levels of bureaucracy to over burdened GPs

GPs pay for the inspection

Little support is given

Would be better replaced with a support service helping practices improve


🆘GP Crisis🆘

The GMC regulates GPs

GPs pay to be regulated

The regulations require annual appraisal / 5 yearly revalidation

This adds bureaucracy to the normal process of being a professional Dr


🆘GP Crisis🆘

The NHS GP contract - Over 230 pages

NHS England & Government regulation for GP services mean GPs are forced to accept what little the Government are willing to provide for Primary Care

Without proper funding GP will collapse

8000 too few GPs - more leaving

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