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Ukrainian writing about Ukraine and Russia ⎊ Product Designer ⎊ Making flashlights for UA defenders at @syaivo_tech ⎊ Check #syaivo_reports

Feb 4, 2023, 16 tweets

There are myriads of apparent reasons why Ukrainians are fighting. But in this thread, I’d like to consider other, not entirely obvious, reasons.

Why don’t Ukrainians accept the Russian world? What is the Russian proposal for the world order?

Here I won’t include facts about Russian terrorist attacks on the civil infrastructure or rapings. It’s almost impossible, but I will consider their “pure proposal” without those crimes.

Ukrainians know a lot about Russians.

We had friends and even relatives in Russia. We watched their TV shows and read their news. We know the context of their life. They have polished and lovely pictures on TV, but the truth can't be hidden.

I regularly see how people close their eyes to the fact that Russians actually live in shitty conditions. You might’ve seen a lot of beautiful pictures of Moscow, Saints Petersburg or other big cities. But that’s it.

If you go 50 km from Moscow, you will be shocked by broken roads, dilapidated houses and tons of garbage. Dirt is a Russian national treasure.

Check this video with a comparison of random Russian and Ukrainian villages. It's demonstrable.

You also might’ve seen that “doomer” trend on YouTube and other social pages. Russian post-punk mixed with depressed cityscapes with similar buildings and gloomy weather. I saw a lot of people who found this aesthetic. But those "enjoyers" usually never have been to Russia.

They don’t understand that this is not about choice: such a depressed life is a core option for Russians. They live in shitty panel buildings, work in shitty factories, drink shitty vodka… This is not romantic; this is really scary.

And yeah, vodka. Some filmmakers usually think it’s hilarious to include vodka in the representation of Russian culture. Alcoholism in Russia is massive. And they don’t drink for fun. It’s an existential mechanism of escaping reality. Russian reality.

When the invasion started, we were confused by tons of videos about Russians stealing sanitary. Just imagine: they had to dismantle it and deliver it with their heavy machines to the postal offices. They are so poor that even Ukrainian toilets seem like a luxury to them.

They are full of hate and anger because of humiliating live conditions. And the Russian government supports it. Not so long ago, they decriminalized home violence. Just think about it: why? Why should you ever decriminalize home violence?

Russians had eight years to show what can they build in LDNR. Instead, they closed mines, and factories. They robbed people.
Just one fact about their help for Donbas. Currently, there are no tramways in Luhansk oblast: they either dismantled them to sell or destroyed them.

In Ukraine, we have a “Small Switzerland” meme. It’s a sarcastic name for those fake republics. It’s both funny and sad because things were much better for Luhansk and Donetsk before the Russian invasion in 2014. For sure, there were problems, but it was going to improve.

People lived just ordinary life with its civil challenges. But Russia wouldn’t accept that. They brainwashed people, promised millions of everything, supported local traitors, etc.

Don’t ever fall for Russian lies. They don’t have an idea about a better world. Russkiy mir is always about pain, death and destruction.

Valentine's Day is close! We have a unique idea for your gift. Amaze your loved one and help Ukraine 🥰


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