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Feb 4, 2023, 8 tweets

Did you known that today is CREATE A VACUUM DAY??
It's a weird day for pets as our families NEED to vacuum but that vacuum is A WEIRD DEVIL THING.
Let's talk about the history and science of vacuums!

Back in ancient Greece, some scholars thought vacuums were just a myth!
One philosopher, Democritus, saw things differently.
He believed there was a void between atoms and referred to it as a vacuum.

Fast forward a few thousand years to Galileo Galilei.
Galileo's pump makers told him they could only pump water to 30 feet, but couldn't pull it out of a well more than that distance.
His student Torricelli, had a brilliant idea!

They switched to using mercury, which is 13 times denser, and found that when they filled a tube with it and placed it in a dish, the mercury dropped by 0.39 inches.
This showed that a vacuum had been created (and later a unit to measure vacuum's was called a Torr!)

Vacuum Examples!
Have you ever been on a plane and noticed how your ears pop as the plane ascends or descends?
That's because the air pressure is changing due to changes in altitude.

Did you know that there's no air in outer space?
It's close to a perfect vacuum, which makes it a unique environment for astronauts to work in.
It's also REALLY dangerous as any hole in a spacecraft causes AIR to rush out into that near perfect vacuum.

The next time you use your smartphone, think about this: it uses vacuum technology to keep dust and debris from getting inside.
Microprocessor chips are also built in a vacuum to create an environment free of impurities!

That's a wrap!

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