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Feb 5, 2023, 14 tweets

"Exclusive: McGonigal's ex-girlfriend, the person who denounced the former FBI official, speaks"


"Charlie called Prime Minister Rama in my presence not often, but he often told me that he was a good friend."

"I have never met Mr. Neza, I don't know him. Charlie has mentioned him as a friend and that they traveled together to Albania, Vienna, and Kosovo by car from Albania."

"The day I sent the [2019 email to Sweeney] was the funeral of a close family member and I was drunk and made a mistake I shouldn't have made."

"I don't believe this investigation was prompted by that email. I believe the McGonigal investigation began two years after that."

"The FBI subpoenaed me to come forward and determine if I'd be a good witness against McGonigal. They interviewed me and then decided that I had nothing to offer as a witness. It was decided by the investigative body that I would not qualify as a witness."

"[We were together] almost 18 months? We had mutual friends for a while, we lived together, he knew my family. He knew my cousins, he knew my father, we went to activities, funerals or parties together."

"I'm a security contractor but I can't talk because it's a trade secret. I am working as a contractor for several companies and do security analysis between various federal and state agencies of the US government."

"He was more materialistic than me. He liked expensive restaurants while I preferred to go to an ordinary fast-food. He liked expensive wines and expensive clothes. He liked to be close to power and money more than my taste might be. He tried to impress people materially."

"I didn't pay much attention to his actions. During our relationship in January of 2017 I had a double vasectomy and I was very worried about myself. I didn't pay much attention to what Charlie was doing. I had my job and a serious illness."

"The FBI was investigating a case where I was taken as a witness. The grand jury decided not to open an investigation and by mistake I got drunk one night and sent Bill Sweeney an email saying if you're not trying this crime why don't you look at Charlie's extramarital affairs."

"I am sure that there may be many more than those accusations that Charlie may have made both in Albania, with the Russians, but also in other countries of the Balkans. But even here in the USA that has compromised the national security as well as that of other NATO countries."

"Charlie told me that he was friends with Prime Minister Rama and it seemed unusual for an FBI agent of this high level to have such a friendship. They often spoke on the phone with Viasat [high-speed satellite broadband] and he showed me photos of them together."

"They met in Albania, and Charlie texted me in September 2017 when he was there."

"Actually he just showed me some pictures of the landscape of Albania. He was simply telling me that he was busy with work and sent me photos with Prime Minister Rama that the FBI already has."

"No [we were not together when I sent the email to the FBI], we were separated at the time."

"I haven't spoken to Charlie since 2019."

"He was an outgoing guy and people were attracted to him socially and wanted to be around us because we were both such people, and we were involved in high society in New York, it's a closed but high network of forces safety. I just wanted to be his girlfriend."

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