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Feb 5, 2023, 22 tweets

𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃: Proof that Ray Epps Was a Die-Hard Trump Supporter!

Ray Epps' activities go beyond what an FBI agent or asset would be permitted to accomplish.
Ray Epps was added to the FBI's WANTED list on January 8 and removed from it on June 30, 2021, after he was formally recognized by the New York Times.

The MSM defense of Ray Epps is strange, in this piece ("Ray Epps has suffered greatly in the previous 10 months as right-wing media personalities and Republican lawmakers have baselessly labeled him..." β€” NYT, July 13, 2022) is particularly suspect.…

The FBI infiltrates numerous organizations and sometimes provokes it's members. "Sting operations" are what they're called. The phony conspiracy to abduct Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is an extreme example of this. We do know at least 20 Fed agents were there..

Ray Epps was publicly inciting violence, the FBI's integration would likely be done without drawing attention on themselves. In the popular case of Whitey Bulger, an FBI informant, he was put on their WANTED list only after he was no longer an FBI informant and had vanished.

So, why would the FBI remove Ray Epps from their wanted list and remove him from all investigations without arresting or detaining him? Ray Epps would have to be protected by someone larger if not the FBI itself, probably the Democrat-controlled DOJ.

The New York Times published a lengthy defense of Ray Epps, something they would never do for a Trump supporter or an FBI agent involved in the January 6 assault. He has not been charged with anything, not even trespassing, despite the fact that he clearly did.

The mainstream media's assumption that Ray Epps is simply another Trump supporter acting on his own will is difficult to accept. There is no proof that he was even a Republican, let alone a genuine Trump supporter.…

@RevolverNewsUSA did a phenomenal job!

Among the hundreds of demonstrators on January 6, and the thousands of hours of publicly accessible film from that day, Epps may be the only individual nailed dead to rights for admitting on camera to orchestrating a pre-planned assault on the Capitol.

Agents from the FBI Field Office in Phoenix (where Epps resides) have gone so far as to deny that Ray Epps exists. Instead of going after Epps, FBI agents have gone after journalists who dared to question Epps in person whether he was a government spy.

Despite the FBI's efforts to remove Epps' face from its "Wanted" database (as well as public denials of his existence by authorized agents), the FBI DC Field Office still lists Ray Epps as a "Wanted" man in this pinned Tweet.

It all started when Ray Epps and his tiny "breach squad" pulled down the first set of barriers between 12:50 and 12:53 P.M. The same breach squad went on to demolish "Restricted Area" signs, and remove protective fencing from the Capitol grounds in a methodical manner.

The breaching site was strategically important since it was the first pathway entry onto the Capitol grounds that every Trumper would come at first as they proceeded from the Trump event to the Capitol. The Epps Breach Team opened the one pathway entry that no one could avoid.

People leaving Trump's speech who arrived at the Capitol door had no idea it was unlawful to go through the gate, onto the grass, or up to the Capitol steps if no police were there or "do not enter" signs were displayed. After all, it is normally open to the public.

See below

As a result, the Epps Breach Team put up what might be the greatest legal trap in American history. The Justice Department said that anyone who walked in the red line below on J6 had committed a federal felony and may be held without bond until a criminal trial 12+ months away.

One of his breachers can be seen tearing down and then rolling up the "limited area" fence that surrounds the Capitol grounds, dressed casually & wore dark shades on a foggy day. Not upset. He appeared detached, cool, and professional as if he were just there to perform his job.

At 12:31 p.m., FenceCutterBulwark was waiting just next to the Ray Epps Breach Site. That was 20 minutes before the breach began. He was doing nothing except peering out beyond the barrier he would later remove. But it's not just Ray Epps and FenceCutterBulwark...

Where are the press podiums with details of such a capture? All responding officers would be promoted and awarded medals. We're talking about breaking a story of tactical "Trump supporters" in broad daylight, right in front of the Justice Department. Why the radio silence?

It is plausible that Ray Epps worked with the FBI, but the MSM's unusual support of him, along with the Jan. 6 committee's removal of him without charge adds more proof that Ray Epps is being shielded by the Democrats, #FreeTheJ6Prisoners


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