pjw(AI) 🇺🇸 Profile picture
AI | USMC Combat Vet | Dad | Isaiah 40:31 Exhibited Paris, Beijing, Belgium, Sweden, LA, AZ, NYC, Miami IG: https://t.co/gdZTtt3nba FC: @pjw PPN AI Film 3

Feb 6, 2023, 17 tweets

Welcome to week 5 of my #tezos purchase reviews. Please show love♥️ share♻️tag/comment🫂& buy $xtz what connects. @_bsprouts @oMoCommunity @AlipanahFarham @AILA_Community Lets get started.

Nyhavn from @DVKtheartist
What can be said? DVK is one of the most talented I can find. His attention to detail is something to aspire toward. This work presents clarity throughout the work from mast lines to subtle water lighting. A gem in the collection.

Here for the art by @assprintz
I loved the simplicity. This is a wonderful expression of simply sketching and giving affection for hte art itself.

Kïïaa from @BurnZeWitch
A new artist that I stumbled across and turns out this grab was the 1st sale for this newcomer. Good use of color. As I have everything on dark settings, this stands out great agains the black.

Morteratsch from @KernPhotograpy
Such a marvelous eye for the beauty of our world. Photography takes pateince, timing, setting, and an entire scope of variables to align for a moment to achieve such calm. Marco always has such breathtaking views.

@KernPhotograpy Marco hit my view twice this week. This time with Artist Soul #1. As I swim this tide of creativity & explore the shores of what inspires me, I understand this artist soul.

Jumped of the screen at me. In classic Crown Syndrome abstract style illustration, I was happily surprised to grab this work. Keep creating!

Two Sides is a collaboration piece @Melivoros & @RedemptionHours
A wonderful abstract animation piece. The motion brings forward colorful detail. The clock movement is unique and a great example of the attention provided in the work. Will be keeping an eye on these artists.

@Amirmirjafary gives us The Story of the Owl.
Clean angles in the mountains, wave patern hills, color gradients...I could imagine the dark of a purple sky with the Owl being as essential in the colors to remain consistant.

@kianhossein Into the Spiral
So much to unpack here. First, Beautiful! Secondly, this generative ai, coded, minimalist, monochrome motion gem is hypnotizing. Such a remarkable work. Excellent light movement and eye engagement. Wow.

@kianhossein continued to challenge my eyes and mind with AI Pollock v2. This is a motion piece of AI gerenated design through creative coding. An homage to Jackson Pollock, this piece offers clean acknowledgement. File too big for Twitter, so here is a capture. Wonderful.

@celloteli tells of The Final Journey
From the detail in the subject, lighting and color to the floating embers this piece captured my imagination. Suspension of disbelief in art, wanting to know who this was, what happened? Story telling in an image.

Death @tensi__art
Dark art using a scribble technique. I understand this process and find it an excellent exercise of the mind. Keep building. Good stuff.

Thank you for following along. From AI, photography, sketchs, illustrations, animation, & everything between, I appreciate. I managed to produce 7 this week (1 per day) including a poem piece. Thank you artists as well for the inspiration & interactions. objkt.com/profile/anothe…

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