Michael Kobs Profile picture

Feb 6, 2023, 7 tweets

#Douma chemical attack: What time is it?
@OPCW @PiersRobinson1 @aaronjmate

Sources for both images and context are still plenty on the internet.

Especially Kumait Agency was a trusted source even by Jaish al Islam.

@OPCW any explanation?
It looks like the cover up of a salafist war crime by spreading false information against better knowledge.

Btw the unedited video showing the first watch...

...also shows Hassan Diab and the kids next to him.

The most complete footage from SMART shows that the man in the gray undershirt from the 5:55 p.m. photo was hosed and photographed at the same moment that Hassan Diab was placed on the hospital bed while still dry. The girl in pink was treated shortly after.

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