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Feb 6, 2023, 8 tweets

/1 🚨💉Following @Project_Veritas exposé that Pfizer is concerned with COVID-19 vaccine side effects on women's reproductive health, America First Legal is highlighting the CDC's efforts to downplay fertility-related risks. #Pfertility

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/2 For example, in March 2021, CDC sent Facebook a “COVID Vaccine Misinformation” slide deck that stated any concerns about fertility had been debunked and there was “no evidence” of fertility problems as a side effect of the vaccine:

/3 In April 2021, the CDC emailed Big Tech employees urging them to “Be on the Lookout” for posts containing “misinformation” related to infertility:

/4 In another “Be on the Lookout” report sent from the CDC to Big Tech employees, the CDC claims “there is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccination causes any problems with pregnancy:”

/5 On May 4, 2021, @KFF sent a monthly “Monitor Report” to the CDC where they blatantly call concerns about infertility “misinformation.”

/6 In the CDC's “Vaccine Confidence Insights Report” the CDC says that it is a “false narrative” that the vaccine “disrupts menstrual cycles and has caused increased miscarriage rates:

/7 Even the Biden White House asked for more underlying proof, instead of conclusory assertions, that everything was safe from the “Vaccine Confidence Strategist:”

/8 Read more about AFL’s findings, with links to all CDC documents and AFL summaries here:…

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