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May 2020-Sept 2024 account of Jessica Hockett | Democide via Directed Euthanasia Protocols + Iatrogenic Policies + Fraud = Staged Global Pandemic | NYC 2020

Feb 7, 2023, 7 tweets

"Trends in US Outpatient Antibiotic Prescriptions During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 "

Substantial decreases during the spring 2020 mortality event months.

How many people died as a result?

Authors: "From Jan. 2020 to May 2020, the number of outpatients w/antibiotic prescriptions decreased substantially more than would be expected b/c of seasonal trends alone, possibly related to the [covid-19] pandemic & associated mitigation measures." ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…

CDC "Antibiotic Use in the United States" corroborates.

Outpatient Antibiotic Prescribing ⬇️

Attributed to "changes in healthcare access, fewer ppl seeking HC for mild illness, and few infections overall due to school closures & social distancing." 🙄 cdc.gov/antibiotic-use…

Here's inpatient ⬇️

Shows increases in "prescribed for treatment of community-acquired pneumonia"

These data seem...incomplete.

And here's Nursing Home

CDC notes "a modest decrease" from Jan to Jan 2020 v same months in 2019, & an increase in azithromycin use in March & Apr 2020.

@Jikkyleaks @Fynnderella1 @ClownBasket @jengleruk @TTBikeFit @Lucy26398575 @ProfessorAkston @contrarian4data @snorman1776

CDC: "Antibiotic stewardship efforts #Newspeak continue to be critically important to ensure patient safety #Newspeak in the changing landscape of healthcare #Newspeak during the COVID-19 pandemic #Newspeak."

Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States (Revised Dec 2019) cdc.gov/drugresistance…

"Aggressive action"
"Prevent spread"
"Innovate against...resistance"
"Fully protect people"
"Resistance threats"


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