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The game-changing wallet for Ethereum and all EVM chains. For support, visit: https://t.co/xBFdxthaKM

Feb 8, 2023, 9 tweets

7 simple tips on how to keep your crypto #SAFU

A Thread👇

1/ Approval gives authorization for smart contracts/dApps to access & transfer your tokens/NFTs.

It's important to check up on your approvals regularly each week or after every transaction.

✅Revoke unused or unknown approvals for your tokens and NFTs.

2/ Revoke approvals immediately when Rabby alerts you about the risk.

3/ Use the "Whitelist" feature to save trusted addresses. Don't transfer to addresses not in the Whitelist.

4/ If Rabby shows such warnings to you before you visit a website, close it and never access it again.

5/ Before you sign, examine the transaction. Check the contract address, estimated balance change, and the result of the "Pre-sign check" provided by Rabby.

6/ "SignTypedData" is a type of signature that can potentially lead to lost assets if proper care is not taken.

With Rabby, you can closely examine what you are signing and reduce the risk of falling victim to scams.

7/ ❌NEVER share your seed phrase and private keys with anyone.

Remember: You are ultimately responsible for the security of your assets. Be vigilant and stay safe!

Follow these tips and enjoy top-notch security.

Download Rabby now at rabby.io

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