Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #SAFU

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Jun 19th 2023
It's time to level up your wallet security.

In Rabby v0.91.0, experience our revamped signing page to see estimated balance changes, along with additional upgrades for enhanced security:
✅Comprehensive transaction details
✅Upgraded security checks

Read more👇 Image
We've covered various types of transaction, designed to prioritize your safety and minimize potential losses.
Here are some commonly-used types of transaction

Sending tokens/NFT: We thoroughly examine recipient addresses to identify and mitigate any potential risks. Image
Swap: We have a thorough process to examine token details and identify any potential scams or fake tokens.

Additionally, we carefully assess the contract address associated with the transaction, giving you important insights into potential risks. Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
Identifying projects that will be integral to the future of #Web3 & #Crypto is vital for your portfolio

@OasisProtocol, $ROSE & founder Dawn Song, have partnerships, backers and connections that will blow your mind

Mega Thread below🧵✏️⬇️

Like, RT, Follow and @ tag friends🌹 Image
2) @Meta X @OasisProtocol

For over 2 years they have worked on developing fairness in their #AI

@OasisProtocol is @Meta's chosen technology partner & worth remembering that Meta approached Oasis

I'd be confident in saying this runs deeper than just AI 👀

$ROSE #ChatGPT Image
3) @Google X @OasisProtocol

Bringing the best in data #privacy technology to companies who essentially deal with sensitive information in large volumes

It will encourage & expand support for innovative applications that are computing & memory-intensive

#BigData #AI $ROSE Image
Read 28 tweets
Feb 13th 2023


Facciamo un breve #thread "storico"🧵⬇️
1/ Aprile 2022:

Mi sento nostalgico e voglio tornare a quando non esisteva #ChatGPT, gli #UFO erano lontani e @SBF_FTX era solo un trentenne disagiato.

Eravamo tutti long su #TerraClassic mentre @PaxosGlobal pubblicava questo statement su #BUSD:…
2/ Settembre 2022:

Il messaggio di Paxos è rimasto nell'ombra per mesi.

Nel frattempo l'estate ci stava lasciando e #Binance decideva di convertire tutte le #StableCoin (tranne #USDT) in #BUSD….
Read 15 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
#BUSD. A thread. 1/8

In summary, BUSD is issued and redeemed by Paxos. And funds are #SAFU!
2/ We were informed by Paxos they have been directed to cease minting new BUSD by the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS).

Paxos is regulated by NYDFS.

BUSD is a stablecoin wholly owned and managed by Paxos.
3/ As a result, BUSD market cap will only decrease over time.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
7 simple tips on how to keep your crypto #SAFU

A Thread👇
1/ Approval gives authorization for smart contracts/dApps to access & transfer your tokens/NFTs.

It's important to check up on your approvals regularly each week or after every transaction.

✅Revoke unused or unknown approvals for your tokens and NFTs.
2/ Revoke approvals immediately when Rabby alerts you about the risk.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
OG: @pandanaiksapi:
#Binance is the largest crypto exchange in the world with a daily volume of over $15 billion, 10x bigger than the second. It's considered the safest for trading and storing #crypto assets, but is it truly #SAFU? #crypto #trading
A 🧵from a stupid trader (1/?)
Binance, founded by @cz_binance in 2017, has its origins in China. Due to the government's ban on #crypto, it had to move its headquarters to Japan. However, as Japan also started to implement stricter regulations for #crypto, Binance had to move again, this time to Malta. (2/?)
On Feb 21, 2020, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) announced that @binance does not have an operating license. Binance has also been investigated multiple times by the IRS and the US Department of Justice on charges of money laundering.

Read 42 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
In 2022, #coinbase lost more than $2bn, settled for $100mil deal for breaking the AML laws and lost 85% in their stock price 📉.

Is #coinbase going bankrupt?
Are your funds SAFU?

The answer might scare you, a 🧵

Its been a horrible year for #coinbase -
-Stock lost > 85%
- > 2B$ net income loss
- Fined by regulators once again
- According to @Protos S&P Officially downgraded the #stock to “junk”
-A new #WallStreet powerhouse is tackling them head on

Let’s cover everything 1 by 1 👇

Let’s begin with the revenue according to the latest report (Q3 2022):

#Coinbase’s Total Revenue in 2022 until September was 2.5B$, less than 50% of the matching range in 2021 (5.3B$) 📉 Image
Read 23 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
🥶January Unlocks
In bull market we follow IDO, in Bear Market we follow Unlock Schedule
l have sorted them by market cap + did a Cliff amount/marketcap for your reference.
link to excel in the end

$TORN Image
@BoredApeYC $ape
2.03% [cliff amount/mcap]
The unlock tokens are going towards the treasury.

Haven't been following the ape staking very closely Image
@AxieInfinity $axs
#safu ish
4.28% [cliff amount/mcap]
The unlock tokens are going towards staking reward.

i miss the good old days in breeding, trading nfts and playing the game. Their land play just launched and review seems not bad!
i don't hold any anymore🥲 Image
Read 19 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
anyone know the background about #binaryx #bnxtoken and #binance ??? Image
@Okcoin core team founded #seychelles domiciled #jex exchange. Image
Read 27 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
Binance es bastante más oscuro de lo que parece.

Guardar tus fondos en este exchange conlleva bastantes riesgos.

En este hilo explico unas de las razones por las cuales no me fío de CZ 🧵👇
Hace unas semanas, durante el escándalo de FTT y Alameda, CZ, el CEO de Binance, aprovechó la situación para posicionar a Binance como el exchange más seguro del mundo.

Al menos eso quiso dar entender...
Primero utilizó la técnica de atacar a competidores del sector, como Crypto .com, sin pruebas, por lo que eran según él transacciones sospechosas...

Read 24 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
1/ Negli ultimi giorni c’è molto timore dietro i token wrapped di Bitcoin. Ho già sollevato qualche qualche giorno fa la questione di wBTC, ma facciamo un piccolo recap perché ci sono delle cose che DEVI sapere!

2/ C’è una forte incertezza dietro al token #renBTC per via del suo legame con #alamedaresearch. Ma, a differenza di #wBTC possiamo vedere che il suo valore è ancora peggato, sostanzialmente perché c’è ancora il collaterale a sostenerne il prezzo…
3/ La bancarotta di #alameda ha prosciugato le casse del team che sta dietro il progetto. Per questo chiuderà l’attuale versione di #ren in favore di una sorta di #renDAO. Qui @renprotocol ci spiega tutti i dettagli:

Read 14 tweets
Nov 17th 2022
[제네시스 출금 정지 사건은 무엇일까?]

1/ 스나미가 발생하면 그 여파로 밀려오는 두번째 파도가 더 위험하다. @FTX_Official 사태의 여파가 암호화폐 시장에 퍼져나가고 있다. 그 신호탄이 바로 이번 '제네시스 인출 중지'. 이 사건이 어떤 의미를 갖는 것인지 아리쏭할 분들을 위해 정리해보았다.
2/ 기관투자자를 대상으로 업을 하는 곳이라 많은 분들이 익숙치 않을 테지만, 제네시스(Genesis)는 기관투자자와 거래소들을 대상으로 암호화폐 대출 서비스를 제공하는 곳이다. 기관들끼리 대량의 암호화폐를 P2P로 대출하는 것은 힘드므로, Genesis가 가운데서 이를 알선 및 중개하는 형식이다
3/ 제네시스의 모회사는 그 유명한 @DCGco 이고 '13년에 최초로 비트코인 OTC 데스크를 제공하기도 함. 한마디로 크립토 기관 투자자들 사이에서 근본으로 통하는 곳임. 작년에 진행한 대출 규모만 $130B이 넘는데, 참고로 JP 모건 연간 주택담보대출량이랑 비슷함. 결론은 엄청난 빅플레이어였단 뜻
Read 16 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
You lost money due to the recent market conditions or FTX?
Here is how to bounce back X100 better.
A thread🧵, retweet for others.
This thread is not to motivate you. This thread came from my heart as someone who has gone down to zero few times in this industry and bounced back easily.
So, allow me to talk to you.
The worst thing that can happen to you in this space is not losing money.
I noticed that when people lose money, they tend to give up, which does not make sense.
Read 15 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
#Binance est propulsé sur le devant de la scène depuis plusieurs semaines 🎤

Comment son fondateur, CZ, a fondé l’exchange #crypto le plus profitable sur terre gérant plus de $100 Milliards par jours ? 🤯

Un thread court pour tout comprendre (et en apprendre!)🧵👇 Image
[0 - 15] Si vous êtes plus blog, retrouvez cet article en version longue sur mon Medium !…

Le même contenu suit ci-dessous 👇
[1 - 15] Une Main de Maître 🤝

Changpeng Zhao est né en Chine 🇨🇳 et a ensuite déménagé au Canada 🇨🇦. Il vit aujourd'hui à Singapour 🇸🇬

Au 1er Mai 2022, sa fortune est estimée à 65 Milliard de dollars, ce qui le rend plus grand #milliardaire #crypto 🤑 Image
Read 17 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
This afternoon, FTX asked for our help. There is a significant liquidity crunch. To protect users, we signed a non-binding LOI, intending to fully acquire and help cover the liquidity crunch. We will be conducting a full DD in the coming days.
There is a lot to cover and will take some time. This is a highly dynamic situation, and we are assessing the situation in real time. Binance has the discretion to pull out from the deal at any time. We expect FTT to be highly volatile in the coming days as things develop.
Stay #SAFU. 🙏
Read 4 tweets
Jul 12th 2022
A few reflections on this "incident" handling. Different information sufficiency, different choices, different impacts.

A thread: 1/9
2/ I could have waited until I got the private contact info for the Uniswap team. It would have avoided any public "panic". But if this was a real exploit, millions or billions more could have lost during that time.
3/ Speed is of the essence when dealing with security issues, when (3 million users') funds are at stake.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
1/ I learned an important lesson in this cycle.

Saylor & Su Zhu have demonstrated that being a whale is irrelevant. They made the same rookie mistakes as a newcomer to crypto.

Sounds like me in 2014, just that they lost billions.

Was there no one to advise them?

A thread 🧵 Image
2/ During this bull run, Saylor explained that #Bitcoin cannot correct more than ~50% from the all-time high because "institutions are here".

I was skeptical because history proved otherwise.

So far, #BTC has corrected over 70% & may go lower!

Next 👇

3/ Su Zhu, the boss of 3AC hedge fund, lost $2 bil & may go to prison. He FOMOed into the Terra scam & believed #BTC can't fall under $24k

It was obvious that Terra was bound to fail & BTC could crash to $20k in a bear market.

How did they miss this? 👇

Read 16 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
THREAD: How @CelsiusNetwork might collapse as @terra_money did ?

Celsius is a protocol that managed more than $12 billion at its peak and is now facing a possible bank run.

Let’s dive on what is happening 🧵
First, let’s take a look at what is Celsius.

Celsius is similar to traditional hedge funds, the company manages assets on investor’s behalf while returning a fixed yield.

1/32 Image
The service uses its investors' funds to earn yields on complex #DeFi loops while taking a service fee.

This process is called #CeFi (Centralized Finance) and is used by platforms like @Nexo or @BlockFi.

Read 34 tweets
May 11th 2022
Many asked me about the markets today. We need to respect the market, with a level of caution too. It goes up and down in cycles. And especially the fact that it doesn’t always make sense. 1/4
We are in a new market, with many innovations. Algo stable coins is one of them. When they are hot, they are all the rage. When they drop, it can be a vicious circle. Some innovations will become successful, many won’t.
At the end of the day, we need to go back to fundamentals. Build real products, not reliant on short term incentives, or promotions, but with intrinsic value that people use.
Read 4 tweets
May 9th 2022
1/ Time to dispel the myths around #Terra / #Luna / #UST once & for all!

Is it decentralized? Is UST a stablecoin? Is it #SAFU?

What are the alternatives???

Are you with me?

Here's the thread you've been waiting for. 👇
2/ Before I debunk the most important myths about Terra, I suggest you check my earlier thread on this to understand the context better.

Ready? Let's start with myth number 1. 👇

3/ Myth number 1:

🚨 "Terra / Luna / UST is decentralized."

Verdict: FALSE ❌

I can explain, lets's look at the Terra / Luna network first and then UST. 👇
Read 21 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
With uncertainty around the market at the moment, one thing that has become clear is that every project must be properly evaluated before investing

Whether its #DeFi #NFTs #Launchpads or some #Shitcoin plays

200% is the new 10x

How to properly evaluate a project
A thread 🧵
The team: this is really the most important. Most projects have anon team, and that's okay.

Look at their credentials. Past records & present involvement(s)
Pay attention to what they have said and how they live up to it.

Expertise and drive is what you want to see
Tokenomics - How many times have we seen great ideas + great team with bad tokenomics? Most of the "#Metaverse" and "#GameFi" projects have failed due to bad tokenomics.

If there are <5% tokens in circulation at launch and the rest unlocked in <4 years, that's bad!
Read 7 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
"Wen staking?"
"Q1 has over, but why is staking not released yet?"

We understand some of you might be frustrating as you can't put your $AVG token to work yet, mainly through staking, and we sincerely apologize for the delay.

"But why the delay? What's next?"

Let us explain🧵
2/ First of all, we would like to thank everyone for the continuous support of Avocado DAO and the project's development.💚

We planned to release $AVG staking initially within Q1 2022, which has been communicated transparently to the community.
3/ However, due to unforeseen circumstances, our contract audit was delayed.

Regarding the recent security breach on @Ronin_Network, our team had second thoughts and decided to appoint a more established and reliable Industry-Leading auditing firm to audit our staking contract.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
It's #HillfortsWednesday and here’s the curiously enigmatic (and infrequently examined) prehistoric earthwork enclosures atop the wonderfully named Thundersbarrow Hill #WestSussex @sdnpa 😍

Pic © CACUP 1975 (BSR60) @CamDigLib @theUL

A short thread 👇👇👇
The subcircular Iron Age hillfort of Thundersbarrow covers 1.2ha with entrances at the SE and N

It encloses a 0.5ha subsquare Bronze Age enclosure with a barrow and Romano British village at the S + E

Plan: Robert Gurd 1932 © Sussex Arch Soc @sussex_society

Thundersbarrow Early Iron Age hillfort sits brooding atop a low ridge at the southern slope of the chalk downs @sdnpa above the Sussex coastal plain and Shoreham-by-Sea

It's easy to spot once you know it's there

Pic Simon Carey 2005 CC BY-SA 2.0

Read 13 tweets

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