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“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both." - MF

Feb 8, 2023, 23 tweets

In light of @WarClandestine’s fantastic thread, I thought I’d share some things we’ve uncovered regarding Arizona and its selected officials.

Taiwan is well-established as the world’s leader of digital chip production. It appears they’re also a US biolabs haven as well.

As I mentioned earlier, we now know that Katie Hobbs recently reported receiving money from Taiwan (as well as Canada and others).

But she is just the beginning…

Let’s talk about MCBOS Chair, Bill Gates. Hoooo boy.

Why is he on the BOD for Blood Systems, Inc. (Vitalant)?

@maricopacounty, some questions you’ll soon be forced to answer:

*Why is someone whose company receives both NIH and CDC funding allowed to oversee elections?

*Why’d PIMA get a $12mm “discretionary” grant from CDC on 11/29/22?

*Are you harvesting DNA of unwitting college kids?

*Who is Francis Najafi?

*Why did he donate to Bill Gates’ and Stephen Richer’s PAC before the midterms?

*Why did you recently appoint a Saudi Alfalfa exec, whose company removes groundwater from your county, to your BOS?

*What the hell is Archway Strategic Communications, LLC?

*Where EXACTLY did all COVID relief funds go?

We certainly have much more to discuss… but I promise you, you’ll be forced to address each of these questions, one way or another.

You’re putting innocent lives at risk. That’s going to stop.

Tell Omidyar and Hewlett we said so.

Rest assured, there’s more coming. A lot more.

Credit for sources: @TxSaving @omzStudio @_KrisHunter_ @DanteXXXIIGoD and several others I’m probably forgetting.

Thank you for all that you do.🙏🏼

Arizona’s universities are completely captured and are likely using the DNA/RNA of its students (unbeknownst to them) for genomics research.

And for their own profits. And former governor Ducey was there for every bit of it.🤬🤬🤬

In 2020, the EAC partnered with Fors Marsh Group to improve election data collection and utility for elections officials, government agencies and “other groups” involved in election administration.

Fauci’s NIH gave them a $300mm grant under the guise of “COVID messaging”.

FMG’s focus for its clients is inducing “behavior change” within their potential targets.


Their client list says it all:

23 and Me
(your genes)

(your data)

(your money)

Why is the IRS on there? And why are they donating to Hobbs as an entity?🤔🤔

Then ‘member how much Zuckerberg and others poured into Tiana Epps-Johnson’s CTCL and it’s clear — they’re rigging elections so they can perpetually harvest you for your DNA, data and dollars.

They want to control all aspects of your life. You’re nothing to them but a commodity.

Credit to @merissahansen17 for the exceptional work on Fors Marsh Group.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Give her a follow and check out her substack.

She’s doing as much as anyone in the country to fight this same racket going on in Harris County, TX right now.

Just a reminder — The EAC is currently hiding the evidence against them from their own website.

When you click the link to view “voter trends data” for Maricopa County, the link goes nowhere. Because these idiots made it up but got caught.

And now they’re getting desperate.

To whomever at Twitter is currently suppressing the hell out of my tweets in this thread:

I’d highly, HIGHLY recommend you stop doing that. Immediately.

You’re warned.

We absolutely should.

Start with the people administering them.

Be a shame if tons of people showed up tonight to let them know.🤣

(peacefully, of course)

Oh hi, Mark.

We’ve uncovered some potentially serious criminal activity surrounding government officials in AZ.

Know any AGs that might wanna do something about that?

Oh, look… Maricopa also received a generous pile of cash from the CDC.



Much like the $33mm they got right after 2020 elections, w/o 12% inflation lol.

*$26,562,053 from CDC.

*$7,051,484 from HRSA.

(COVID-19 and HIV)

FUN FACT: Both of these (man-made) viruses have the same gp120 spike protein for human pathogenicity.

(Fauci buying his way out.)

Lol @ that last review date.🤣🤣🤣

(It’s all coordinated. By the same deranged people with the same ludicrous messaging.)

Virginia Ross — Pinal County elections official who got a $25,000 bonus and disappeared the day after the election.

She was tasked with signature verification for this election.

Pinal claims they’ve been unable to contact her since her disappearance.

But wait, there’s more.🤯

Ross wasn’t responsible for signature verification for 3 prior elections.

Who was?

Maricopa County Assistant Elections Director — Celia Nabor.

She tasked Ross for the role before the election.

Then… Nabor also abruptly resigned and disappeared when faced with a deposition.😡

This is all so strange. What the hell is going on?🤔

Welp, holy shit.

Turns out, Celia Nabor has been associated with AZDHS for at least a decade.

Her focus?

Blood sample delivery and efficiency…

…of newborns and infants.


Go get warrants. Now.

Major props to Steven Ahle over at who initially covered Celia Nabor here🔥🔥🔥…

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