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Feb 8, 2023, 9 tweets

New Christian Nationalism Findings!

@PRRIpoll & @BrookingsInst just released the findings from a new survey of over 6,000 Americans. This report helps us know who embraces Christian nationalism, and what those folks believe. #ChristianNationalism…

For instance, around 29% of Americans are at least sympathetic to Christian nationalism. @PRRIpoll labels these folks "Adherents" and "Sympathizers".

They asked 5 different questions and created a Christian nationalism scale. This is similar to what we did in Taking America Back for God.

Glad to see a continuation of what questions are asked which help us further specify what Americans really believe and desire.

As expected, a majority of White evangelical Protestants are at least sympathetic to #ChristianNationalism (64%).

An important continuation of past findings, though, is that sympathy for CN is not solely located w/in this group.

Another interesting finding: Christian nationalism adherents and sympathizers are much more likely to "prefer the US be a nation primarily made up of Christians."

Christianity as a key marker of national identity, and who is a true American.


Be sure to check out the report--it also shows how Christian nationalism is intertwined with anti-black racism, anti-immigrant views, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim views, and gender views.

Like below: strong association w/ "replacement theory"--immigrants replace "our culture"

One finding that should worry us all--Christian nationalism again strongly linked to embracing QAnon.

QAnon believers (see the ?s @PRRIpoll asked) are much more likely to be CN adherents and sympathizers.

Conspiratorial thinking key to CNism.


Again, check out the full report. Lots of interesting findings that will help us further understand what Christian nationalism means for our nation going forward.…

Additional findings around Christian nationalism and political violence.

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