Nebraska Freedom Coalition Profile picture
America First! #2A #Prolife #NoSanctuaryForGroomers #TakeAmericaBack Parody sometimes, owning the libs all the time! Tweets our own 🐦 NFC ≠ NEGOP 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

Feb 8, 2023, 18 tweets

The Nebraska Freedom Coalition is on site at the Nebraska State Capitol as a rally in support for mutilating children and providing gender altering surgeries which are irrevocable and life altering is about to get under way... #protectkids

A look at the few senators who oppose LB 574 🤡 We will be bringing you testimonial from the health and human services committee live later this afternoon...

Psych meds, sessions after sessions, meds for antibiotics, chronic infections, redo surgeries - shattered psyches...
That’s a booming market for patients for life! The big Pharma business model 💯 💊 These doctors know it’s wrong

The hearing for Senator Kauth's LB 574, the Let Them Grow Act, is about to get underway. The Nebraska Freedom Coalition is once again on hand to bring you live updates 👍 #protectkids

Sen. Kauth intro:
"I understand the implications of this proposed legislation. The future & safety of our children are our top priority.
The intent behind Let Them Grow is to give children the time they need to figure out gender dysphoria before they make irreversible decisions."

No surprise, @senatormachaela and Senator Day are first out of the shoot with questions 🙄 @CavanaughforLeg says she doesn't see any doctors in the room even though there are at least a dozen... We are forwarding her some opticians and ophthalmologists in the area 👓 👁

Scott Newgent w/ @againstgrmrs, Gays Against Groomers:
"This is about money. It's experimental & dangerous. Sweden calls this the biggest medical scandal in modern history.
I was sold a lie. You cannot transition your pain away.This is wrong on every level.Don't do this to kids."

Mario Presents, @againstgrmrs Gays Against Groomers:
"Children are not an experiment.
Just let them grow..."
"Protect kids from the radical transgender agenda."

Incredibly, as the emotional testimony takes place, Senator Day has either been on her phone the entire time or is sleeping😴 Wake up Jen! This is real. The effects and consequences of this agenda are monumental. These are people's real life testimony and you should be listening!

Live look at the proponents for Kauth's bill. The room is full with a line out the door💯
A source inside the overflow room next door, which contain opponents, says some people are laughing @ the people courageously testifying, exclaiming that they think these people are lying 🤦‍♂️

A dozen cameras, news channels & journalists in the room currently. More than we've seen for any bill that's been discussed🤔 It will be interesting to see what they report on the day. Any comment @ErinBamer @OWHnews? Hopefully get some accurate info but we won't hold our breath!

@senatormachaela is extremely confused. She continues to badger testifiers about this practice taking place outside of Nebraska. Everyone testifying has said how destructive this radical agenda is, yet @CavanaughforLeg thinks it will be just fine in this state... #getaclue 🤡🤡🤡

A legend in the room today-
Dr. Sue Greenwald, a pediatrician of 35 years:
“I probably won’t live long enough to see this turn around, but I’m going to fight like hell till then because you will live to see it.”
🙏💯💪 #protectkids

Where's Unicameral Watch?
Bud Synhorst?
Caitlin Holman?
John Gage?
Jack Spray?
Hudson Buehle?
Chris Nelson?
D. Oden?
Nancy McCabe?
Nora Sardine?
D. Starmen?
Kyle Clark?
Chris Routhe? Chappalear?
Where are any of these establishment types? Is it really about legislation for them?

Great to see Stephanie Johnson, Russ Barger, Jenna Derr, Diane Johnson, Ben Tapper, Liz Davids, Ben Stangl, Alex Stephens, Susi Wilkenson, The Nebraska Family Alliance, Brittany Holtmeyer, Dr. Jeanne Greisen, Marni Hodgen, and other friends who have shown up in support today! 👍

Of note, as opponent testimony for LB 574 is about to begin, there are a lot of men dressed up as women hanging out 💁🏼‍♀️💃🏻 there are also several people weirdly wearing masks... 😷

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