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Feb 8, 2023, 18 tweets

THREAD🚨 #Nordstream

"Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that..."


2) BIDEN: “If Russia invades...then there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."

REPORTER: "But how will you do that, exactly, since...the project is in Germany's control?"

BIDEN: "I promise you, we will be able to do that."

Feb. 7, 2022

3) Victoria Nuland: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward."

Jan. 27, 2022

4) @TuckerCarlson: "If you were Vladimir Putin, you would have to be a suicidal moron to blow up your own energy pipelines. Natural gas pipelines are the main source of your power and your wealth and most critically your leverage over other countries. Europe needs your energy."

5) The CIA warned authorities in Berlin three months before the Nordstream pipeline was sabotaged of the possibility that someone would destroy the pipelines.

I wonder how they knew?


6) The people who told you Iraq has WMDs want you to believe Russia blew up its own pipeline.

The US Government previously lied Americans into war using the Gulf of Tonkin, USS Maine, RMS Lusitania, Iraqi incubator babies, and WMDs.

But trust them this time.

7) The gas pipelines were sabotaged near Bornholm in the Baltic Sea.

The leaks occurred in areas where the pipelines lie at sufficiently shallow depths for divers to plant explosives.

8) The US Navy and NATO held a major maritime training exercise in the Baltic Sea involving scores of allied ships throughout the region.

The event was held off the coast of Bornholm Island and involved teams of divers who happened to be planting and locating explosives.

9) The US Navy posted pictures of themselves planting "mock explosives" in the Baltic Sea where the pipelines would explode three months later.

But don't worry, it was a "training exercise."


10) Uncle Joe, the climate change warrior, would never blow up a natural gas pipeline in the ocean, right?

If Joe truly cared, his son Hunter wouldn't be invested in the world's worst polluting Chinese-government-owned oil, gas, and coal companies.


11) Prof. Jeffrey Sachs caused chaos on Bloomberg for suggesting the U.S. government was behind the Nord Stream sabotage.

"The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline which I would bet was a U.S. action..."

12) @JoeRogan and @ComicDaveSmith break down the reasons Russia invaded Ukraine:

"The most important priority in the history of humanity is that America and Russia do not go to war."

13) @JoeRogan and @ComicDaveSmith break down the Obama admin overthrowing Ukraine's government:

"All these Soros-funded NGOs funded the militias on the ground... There's a tape of Victoria Nuland talking about who would be the new government... We overthrew their government."

14) The Obama administration overthrew Ukraine's elected government in 2014.

John McCain rallied protestors, and Victoria Nuland was caught on tape planning Ukraine's new government.

What role did this have on the current NATO proxy war in Ukraine?

15) After the U.S. overthrew Ukraine's government in 2014, 96% of Luhansk and 89% of Donetsk voted to secede from Ukraine.

The west said the elections were illegitimate.

But the eastern half of Ukraine typically votes for pro-Russia candidates.

Blue = Pro-Russia
Red = Pro-West

16) If the military-industrial complex sabotaged Nordstream, it would be one of the craziest, most destructive terrorist acts any American administration has ever done.

Blowing up a gas pipeline to Europe during an energy crisis and escalating a war with nuclear-armed Russia.

17) @Jimmy_Dore: "Your enemy is not China, your enemy is not Russia, your enemy is the Military Industrial Complex..."

The bottom line is there will be no world left for our children if this war between nuclear superpowers continues to escalate.

18) Did you know that only 10% of my posts make it to your home page feed?

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