Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Feb 9, 2023, 14 tweets


I will always love Mt St Michel. Tonight I will attend Catholic Vespers/Evensong here.

The tour has now closed. The daily Vespers service sung by Monks and Nuns from the order of Jerusalem here is one of the little known gems of this wonderful land ancient place of spirit and Majesty.

A virtual voyage to the top. Part 1

A virtual voyage to the top. Part 2

A virtual voyage to the top Part 3

A virtual voyage to the top Part 4

A virtual voyage to the top Part 5

A virtual voyage to the top Part 6

A virtual voyage to the top Part 7/7

These two pictures are from my first Vespers here. In Winter the service is held in this little under ground chapel. In Summer they are held in the church you can see on the right.

This final video - also from my first visit- shows the path down into the chapel - which has beautiful acoustics.

This panorama shows the Church at the top after tonight’s service.

And these three images show the view from where I’m standing on the high ramparts sending this tweet thread, using the excellent 5G data here.

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