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Author Raising awareness is our only hope.

Feb 9, 2023, 5 tweets

Thread 1/5) The #CHEMTRAIL Plane Patent was filed by Evergreen International Aviation (EIA) in 2007. EIA was a GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR & also worked for the CIA & NASA.
Keep reading, this gets really🤔...

2/5) 1970s: Evergreen Aviation, the government contracted company who filed the #chemtrail plane patent, bought assets from the CIA "Skunk Works" program. Skunk Works also happens to be the name of Lockheed Martins secret weapons program🤔

3/5) To this day, 2-9-23, on Evergreen Aviations website, they boast that they modified FLEETS of full size, 8,000 ft Boeing Super Tankers & 747 Super Tankers that spray chemicals:

4/5) Even more interesting, is the section of Evergreen Aviations website called "Super Tankers". Though they begin by advertising it as a "firefighting tool", they later go on to say its great for #WeatherModification #GeoEngineering
(AKA: #chemtrails)

5/5) So, my friends, Evergreen IS a manufacturer of #chemtrails planes, it says so on their website. Theyre contracted by the gov; tied to the CIA, NASA & United Nations. According to Wikipedia, speculation is that Evergreen Aviation IS the CIA.…

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