Nahel Belgherze Profile picture
Mainly focused on covering extreme weather events worldwide. Also interested in climate dynamics, geohazards and satellite/airborne remote sensing.

Feb 9, 2023, 5 tweets

Newly available Maxar satellite imagery shows several hundred meters long surface rupture with horizontal displacements up to 4m near Nurdağı, Gaziantep province, Turkey.

Before/After. Grain silos near Nurdağı, Turkey. #TurkeySyriaEarthquake

Here's a zoomed out version. Gaziantep Province is fractured, literally. I will certainly post more images in the next few days. Let's pray for Turkey...

New aerial images show a tens of km long surface rupture associated with the M7.8 Turkey earthquake near Tevekkelli, Kahramanmaraş. Credit: @trthaber

As some may have noticed (and contrary to what others may believe). This is not before/after imagery. A single Maxar image, captured after the earthquake (see details below) was used. I then processed it in Ps to put the terrain back to how it was before. That's it.

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